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Last week, Nina and Maggie showed up to the bookstore to see Aziraphale and Crowley. Crowley had been there all day just hanging out and drinking tea while the angel restored some books.

When the two women came into the shop, they were carrying a cardboard box that had obviously been shipped to them. "Okay, I don't care what you guys say, you're coming with us next Saturday." Maggie begins, plopping the box down on the table in the bookshop.

"Grab yours." Nina said to Crowley, pointing at the box.

Crowley sits up, shrugging. He looks in the box and sees an assortment of pride flags. He looks up at Nina with surprise. "Oh, what like we couldn't tell? Pick yours." She said, both her and Maggie focusing on Aziraphale who is sitting there confused.

"What's next Saturday?" Aziraphale asks, confused as ever.

"London pride." Crowley says, picking up two flags from the box and handing it to Nina.

"Oh! How lovely, of course we'll go." Aziraphale smiles, looking over at Crowley with a shocked expression. Crowley holds up two flags to show Nina, Maggie, and Aziraphale. The bisexual flag and the genderfluid flag.

"Oh, I didn't know you were genderfluid!" Maggie says, sitting by Crowley as Nina brings the box over to Aziraphale, demanding that he picks his too.

"Yep. I actually don't know if anyone does anymore." Crowley shrugs.

"What pronouns do you use?" Nina asks.

"Any, all. I'm generally male presenting but I switch it up from time to time." Crowley says, glancing over at Aziraphale who's still shocked.

"Maggie could you come over here quickly?" Aziraphale asks, a blush spread across his cheeks. Maggie gets up and Nina and Crowley continue to talk about his pronoun usage.

"What's up? Do we not have yours?" Maggie asks Aziraphale.

"Well... I'm not sure. I've never thought about labeling myself, so I don't know which flag is which." He says, a bit embarrassed.

"Oh! Not a problem. There's a flag for just queer if you'd rather have that one." Maggie says, shuffling through the box to find it.

"Well if I were to label myself, I would say that I am only attracted to men or male presenting people." Aziraphale says quietly, Maggie smiling and shuffling through the box some more.

"Ah! Here it is." She says, pulling out a gorgeous blue and green flag. "This one is just straight up gay! Or... maybe not straight up." She says, smiling widely.

"Thank you, Maggie. We'd be happy to come with you all, but I'll warn you that I've never been to a pride parade before." Aziraphale says, the two making their way back over to the couch with Nina and Crowley.

"Okay, so you both have your flags. Any ideas on outfits? Do we want to coordinate? Everyone on their own? Oh! Do we want face paint?!" Maggie asks excitedly.

It's now Saturday, and everyone is getting ready at the bookshop. Aziraphale made a bit of a fuss when Crowley and Nina brought out the glitter and face paint, but he knew he wouldn't win that fight.

They get dressed last, wanting to surprise each other with their outfits. Aziraphale had already mentioned that he was going to look mostly like his normal self, just dressed down a bit.

First, Nina showed everyone what she's wearing. She had a pink button up shirt tucked into some jean shorts and a purple corduroy jacket with white converse. Her bisexual flag was tied like a cape. Everyone told her that she looked amazing. Next it was Maggie, she wore a white cropped tank top, orange pants, and a pink corduroy jacket. Her lesbian flag, also tied like a cape. They obviously coordinated.

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