A Make-Up Gift

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Crowley and Aziraphale, once again, got into another fight. This time, a big one.


"Crowley! We can't just leave our respective sides!" Aziraphale yells, surprised- but not at all surprised- at Crowley's suggestion.

"Of course we can! 'S not like they wouldn't find replacements within the hour!" Crowley yells, obviously angry at the angel's reaction.

"We can't!" Aziraphale says again. "We can't just leave them to continue the horrid things they are doing!" Aziraphale yells, knowing that Heaven and Hell would most definitely begin the war of all wars without them there to stop it.

"'S not like we'd make much of a difference! They're still doing them now!" Crowley yells, knowing that it's partly the truth. The other part to this, though, is going away with Aziraphale. He wants it to be just them.

"Crowley you aren't thinking, the war would happen! Humanity will be destroyed! The earth will be destroyed!" Aziraphale says, putting his hands over his face.

"So? We'd be far away by then!" Crowley says, reasonably, but angering Aziraphale even more.

"But what about the people? What about Nina and Maggie and everyone else on this planet? They would all cease to exist!" Aziraphale says, exhausted with arguing with Crowley.

"Fine, whatever. I'm leaving." Crowley says, angrily, putting his sunglasses on, and walking out. Aziraphale angrily walks around the bookshop, hoping that he made the right decision.


It's now two days later, and neither have spoken a word to each other unless it was about a situation in Heaven or Hell. Neither brought up the fight just two days prior.

Crowley hates acting like nothing happened between the two. He wants to fix it. He realizes that he made a terrible mistake, of course Aziraphale would want to stay on earth. He loves earth and people, books, restaurants, a bed to come home to.

Crowley decides that enough is enough. He waltz into a flower shop, seeing all the gorgeous plants. He gazes at them, a small smile on his face. "Hello! Anything I can help you find today?" An old woman asks.

"Um... yeah, maybe so. Me and... my friend got into an argument and I wanted to get him something to make it up to him so we can talk." Crowley admits, looking around awkwardly. He has no idea what the right move is here.

"Of course! Plenty of husbands come in here looking for apology flowers. Kind of sad." She says, smiling softly. "How long have you two been together?" She asks.

"Well- it's not really..." Crowley starts, but sees the obvious look of knowing on the woman's face. "A long time." He decides. "Very long time." He says, smiling a little.

"Well, it's nice to hear that. What's he like? Maybe I can suggest something." She asks, walking to the front of the shop to her desk and pulling out a pair of glasses.

"He's very interested in the human mind, he loves books, owns a shop, actually. He is too humble if you'd ask me, gorgeous blue eyes, blonde hair..." Crowley says, getting lost in his description.

"Well, I might have a few suggestions. Want to take a look?" She asks. He nods and she leads her over to a wall of gorgeous colors, all differing even in the slightest bit. She names out a few, but none so far seem perfect for him.

"What about these, they're called Roselillies. They're a symbol for love, passion, and romance. A good apology flower." (Top of chapter pic) She suggests, smiling and grabbing a bouquet. "Last a long time if put in a vase and taken care of, too." She smiles.

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