The Letters

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Crowley has been receiving letters for as long as he likes to remember. He has not yet put the pieces together to who is sending them to him, and how they have done so for more than 80 years. Since 1941, he has gotten a letter at least once a month, and more often than not, more frequently than that.

Crowley sighs one night, tired of everything. He gets like this when he doesn't sleep for years, and this is one of those cases. He hasn't slept since the apocalypse didn't happen five years ago.

Crowley and Aziraphale were supposed to go to lunch today, they always go to lunch on Saturdays, but Aziraphale canceled last minute. Crowley sits down in his throne, pulling out the shoebox that is overflowing with elegant letters. He sees a new one right on top, though.

How the hell did that get there? He definitely didn't put it there...

He opens the letter carefully, peeling the dark red wax back, seeing the beautiful handwriting on the paper.

As he reads it, he smiles widely.

Dearest Crowley,

I pen this message with a heart filled with adoration, yet my identity remains concealed, like a hidden treasure awaiting discovery. For years I have watched your graceful movements and heard the sweet melody of your laughter, which has captivated my very soul.

Your eyes, like yellow jasper, shine with a radiance that outshines the sun, and your smile, like the first blush of dawn, brings warmth to my being. Each day, I yearn to be near you, to bask in the glow of your presence, and to whisper sweet words of affection into your ear.

Know that my thoughts are consumed by you, and my heart beats only for you. I am but a humble admirer, longing to reveal myself and declare my love, yet bound by the secrecy that adds a touch of mystery to our connection.

Should fate allow my feelings to be returned, I shall seize the opportunity to express the depths of my affection. Until then, know that my love for you grows stronger with each passing moment, like a flame that burns eternally in the depths of my soul.

Yours, in secret admiration, and in eternally.

Crowley sighs. Still no hints as to who this person is. No hints as to how he or she knows him, cares for him so deeply.

Crowley smiles softly and presses a kiss to the letter, placing it onto his desk. "Only if I knew who you were." Crowley says to the letter, wishing the name of his secret admirer would appear. When it doesn't, Crowley decides to lay down for a bit.

As he lays in his soft, dark bed, he changes into his snake form, smiling at the now humungous bed. He slithers under the covers, and falls asleep very quickly, smiling throughout the night.

When the sun rises, so does Crowley. He turns back to his human form, and gets into the Bentley, calling Aziraphale from inside. "Good morning, dear." Aziraphale says, happily on the other end of the line.

"Hey, Angel. What are your plans for today?" Crowley asks, hoping to make up for the time lost when they were supposed to meet yesterday.

"Running the bookshop. Why? Are you okay?" Aziraphale asks, worried.

"Yes, I'm okay, Aziraphale. I guess I just wanted to hang out. Didn't get my Angel fix yesterday." Crowley says, blushing a little bit.

"Oh, of course. If you'd like to come over, I wouldn't be opposed to that. Though, I do need to make a small trip today..." The angel says, smiling. "Would you mind if I borrowed the Bentley for a bit?" Aziraphale asks.

"Not at all, angel. She seems to like you." Crowley says, the Bentley's engine whining at that. She definitely likes Aziraphale.

"Perfect! Well, do come whenever you would like to, dear." Aziraphale says, excitedly.

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