Just Some Touches

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Crowley and Aziraphale are in the bookshop, listening to music as they sort some books. Crowley offered to help the angel for the simple reason of him not wanting them to be apart.

As Aziraphale finishes his section, he walks over to Crowley's, standing behind him with a hand sat on Crowley's lower back. "How about a break, dear boy?" Aziraphale asks. Crowley nods, blushing. Aziraphale is touching him, a hand on the small of his back. That's all it takes to get him nervous.

The two walk to the sofa and sit, Aziraphale doing a little miracle to change the music playing. It's soft, almost background sound. "Would you like some tea?" Aziraphale asks, knowing that Crowley loves his tea.

"Sure, Angel." Crowley smiles, picking up a book that he took an interest in earlier. Aziraphale nods and places a hand on Crowley's knee, pushing himself upwards. He goes into the kitchen and leaves Crowley confused.

Aziraphale has been overly touchy with him lately. It isn't anything to complain about, it's just different. With every touch, Crowley longs for more. He's always loved touch, and coming from the angel— it's even better.

Crowley tries to keep his mind on the book in his hand, but he can't focus. He sets the book down, crosses one leg over the other, crosses his arms on his chest, and leans his head back. He needs to get the gorgeous angel off his mind. He needs to stop thinking about him like this.

When he hears Aziraphale coming back into the room, he looks up, seeing the tray he's carrying. Two cups of tea, a pitcher of milk, and some sugar. "How would you like yours?" Aziraphale asks, gesturing to everything he has.

"Just a bit of milk." Crowley says, sitting up completely. He reaches for it when Aziraphale pours the milk, and then he tends to his own cup.

"You really don't have to help me here, I could do this on my own." Aziraphale says, knowing that it would've taken days to do this on his own.

"Nonsense." Crowley speaks. "It gives us more time to just chill out, also gives me an opportunity to look for any frisky books you definitely have hidden." Crowley smirks, laughing slightly. He has this joke that he teases Aziraphale with because the angel accidentally purchased an erotic romance novel once.

"Crowley, that was an honest mistake, you know that!" Aziraphale defends, though if they make it to the back room today, he'll be proven wrong.

"Oh I'm sure it was, Angel." Crowley says sarcastically. He kind of hopes to find another, maybe borrow it for a bit. It's the only kind of reading Crowley could really get into.

Aziraphale scoffs and looks over at Crowley's side profile. "I've never asked you about that tattoo..." Aziraphale mentions, tracing it over with his eyes, and then his finger. Crowley smiles softly, Aziraphale is always so gentle when he touches Crowley. It's innocent touches, but it always riles Crowley up more than he'd like to admit.

"What do you want to know?" Crowley asks, discreetly leaning into the touch.

"When did you get it?" Aziraphale asks, curiously as he continues to trace the snake on Crowley's face.

"Ah, way back before they had tattoo guns. It was the Chinese, actually. They had this sort of tattoo method that I found interesting." Crowley answers, he's sure that the Chinese's method hurt more, but the tattoo always looks new.

"Why did you get it there?" Aziraphale asks.

"Well, I guess I just wanted it there because I wanted people to be intimidated. It wasn't common practice back then, face tattoos, but it made people around me uneasy. Kind of glad it doesn't anymore, that it's more accepted." Crowley says, shutting his eyes as the touch of the angel's soft fingers calms him.

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