The Morning Sickness, The Cravings, The Accident

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A Continuation of The Cold, The Them, The News...

⚠️TW: throwing up & gagging. It begins at the first \_°_/ and ends at the second!!⚠️

⚠️Almost sorta kinda smut⚠️

In the few days after their visit from The Them, Crowley has been increasingly hungry. He hated eating, it never satisfied him, but now it fills a void in his chest—and his stomach—every time Aziraphale offers to make his cravings.

Aziraphale has been absolutely loving the beginning of this pregnancy, the excitement hasn't worn off yet. He's always researching baby names that would suit their style and how the baby's nursery will look.

Crowley, on the other hand, has been more and more irritated. He's been feeling worse than usual the past few days, but he didn't realize why until this morning.


This morning, Crowley woke up, arms wrapped around Aziraphale—in human form (they got the heating problem fixed)—but as soon as the demon tried to move, his stomach flipped. He had never felt that before, he thought it was something to do with the baby, but when he gagged rather abruptly, he understood.

He rushed to the bathroom, not worrying about waking the angel if it meant he didn't throw up on him. He successfully made it into their master bathroom and lifted the toilet seat, emptying his stomach contents into it.

"Crowley? Are you alright, dear?" Aziraphale asks, his voice sleepy, but obviously worried.

"Mm" Crowley groans, gripping the porcelain so tight a crack threatens to form. When he thinks he's done, he flushes, gagging at the sight, and sits on the ground, exhausted.


Aziraphale walks towards Crowley with haste, "dear, would you like some water?" Aziraphale asks, kneeling down on the hard tile as Crowley wipes the sides of his mouth with toilet paper.

"Yeah. Yeah I think so." Crowley says, his voice scratchy.

"Alright, I'll be right back." Aziraphale says, placing a hand on Crowley's shoulder and squeezing it softly. Crowley smiles a little bit, he's already feeling a lot better, but he's confused. What was that? Why did that happen?

When Aziraphale returns, Crowley's brushing his teeth vigorously. He could miracle his mouth clean, but they decided not to use too many miracles while he's carrying their child. Plus, a good scrubbing of his teeth and tongue would make him feel a bit cleaner.

Aziraphale sets the water down on the counter, wrapping his arms around Crowley's waist. He has to look around the demon's shoulder to see his reflection in the mirror, but he's started to enjoy that. He places a hand on Crowley's stomach, the other lingering on his side. "Are you feeling better, darling? The feeling should pass quickly afterwards." Aziraphale says, smiling softly.

Crowley spits into the sink and takes some water in his mouth, swishing it around, and spitting it out to get the rest of the toothpaste out of his mouth. "I am, but what was that? That's never happened to me before." Crowley asks, insanely confused now. Of course Aziraphale knows more than he does about his own body.

"Well you haven't been pregnant before, dear, so that wouldn't have happened. That, my love, was morning sickness. It happens to pregnant mothers." Aziraphale explains, Crowley spinning in his arms to face him.

"Morning sickness? No'ne warned me 'bout that!" Crowley says, frustrated. He had no idea what was happening, had no idea why. He was scared.

"Oh, I thought you would have known. I'm sorry, I should have confirmed that assumption. What do you know about pregnancies?" Aziraphale asks, wrapping an arm around Crowley's waist and walking the two back into the bedroom.

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