Not An Angel Any Longer, Angel~

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Aziraphale has been in an ongoing relationship with a gorgeous angel named Raphael. He is wonderful, kind, very attentive. They've been together since the beginning, they've been in love since then, but Aziraphale's struggling.

He doesn't know how, or if to, tell Crowley about this relationship. Aziraphale hasn't seen Raphael in centuries, but they send letters, prayers, they've spoken. Just not seen each other.

As Crowley pops into the bookshop after closing, Aziraphale looks up hopefully. He's been thinking about Raphael more and more recently. When he sees Crowley, his smile drops for a short second, and then returns. "Hello dear!" Aziraphale says, trying to slyly slide the letter he was reading under a book.

"What's 'at?" Crowley asks, plopping down in the chair across from Aziraphale. He smirks as Aziraphale blushed darkly.

"Oh, it's nothing to worry about. Would you like some tea?" Aziraphale asks, standing up from his chair.

Crowley smiles, "sure, Angel." He says, making sure that Aziraphale is gone before he picks up the book and sees the letter.

"My dearest Aziraphale,

I cannot describe how hard it is for me to see you on earth and not be there with you. I miss you dearly, Angel. I want to share all of my stories with you, I want to hear your stories.

All I want is to be with you again, but I am afraid you will not like the person I have become. I can only wish that you would, but I do not think you will.

Az, I am so sorry it has been so long since we've met. I still deeply love you, and I always will, until the Almighty deems me with enough worth to have you as mine forever. Legally, in human documents.

Aziraphale, I love you, and I hope that you see me soon, for I will see you every day.

Yours, Raphael."

Crowley sighs and puts the letter down, resonating with the words on the paper.

When Aziraphale walks back into the room and sees the letter on the desk, he gasps. "Crowley! That's personal!" He says, angrily taking the letter off of the desk and putting it against his chest.

"Aziraphale, I don't mind, you know." Crowley says, smiling softly. "I think that he really loves you, Angel." He says, butterflies in his stomach.

That angel sure does love Aziraphale.

"Crowley, I didn't want you to find out this in this manner." Aziraphale sighs, setting the letter down and the tea that he brought into the room.

"Why not? I don't see an issue with it. You're obviously happy with him." Crowley says, sipping his tea nonchalantly.

This kind of hurts Aziraphale. Even though he is in a long term, committed relationship, he's always felt something more for Crowley than just friendship. He's always wondered what they would be like if it weren't for Raphael.

It's not that he doesn't love Raphael, it's just hard since they haven't seen each other in so long.

"Aziraphale, if he did come back to you and he was an entirely different person, what would you do?" Crowley asks, curiously.

"I... I suppose I would get to know him again." Aziraphale says, shocked that Crowley's open to talking about this. He's had a suspicion that Crowley had something deep down for Aziraphale, but he guesses that he was wrong.

"And you wouldn't be angry at him for changing so much since the last time you've met?" Crowley asks, a little anxiously.

"No! Of course I wouldn't. Why would you even suggest— look, I don't want to talk about him right now." Aziraphale says, sadly taking a sip of his tea.

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