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I'm so sorry this took so long to write, but this was requested a couple of times. I can't find who requested them, but if you did and want to be mentioned please lmk! This may be rough, I've never written anything in the a/b/o universe, but hopefully it's alright and legible lmaoo

As it hits him, he's walking the streets of Soho. He's looking in every shop for anything that he, or the angel, may like. He's listening in on stranger's conversations. It had been a good day.

Normally, Crowley gets the 'day before pains' as he likes to call them, but this time was different for some reason. It just hit him like a load of bricks.

"Fuck." Crowley whispered to himself. He needs to get back to his flat as soon as possible. He cannot go into a full blown heat on the side of the streets in soho, London.

Crowley turns on his heels and speed walks all the way back to his car that was parked at the bookshop. He can't tell Aziraphale what's happening, so he sends him a quick text;

Crowley: 'got 2 go. Explain l8er.'

He shoves his phone back in his pocket as he feels slick wetting his underwear and pants both. He jumps into the Bentley as soon as possible and speeds off, noticing that Aziraphale is looking out of the window with a very concerned look on his face.

The first day is always pretty light, but the second day is usually the worst. During the first day, Crowley tried to eat plenty, drink plenty of water, and prepare himself for the next week or so.

On the second day, he wakes up sweating, slick covering his thighs, and his whole body aching. He knows he has to do something.

For about two hours, he fucks himself with his knotted dildo, whining at the overstimulation, but never feeling satisfied. He tries all kinds of angles and positions, but nothing seems to feel right.

He lays in his cold bathtub for the most part of the second day. He's way too hot, he can't stand the thought of being underneath a comforter or even on a soft bed that will trap his body heat.

The third day is almost the same as the second, but now, Aziraphale is messaging him multiple times an hour. Crowley knows this, but he's too busy trying to fuck himself with the knotted dildo to care to respond.

On the third night, Aziraphale shows up to Crowley's flat, pounding on the door. Crowley's bathroom is fairly close to the door, so he yells. "Can't talk right now!" As he rides the dildo, the knot catching on his rim with every bounce.

"Crowley, I'm getting worried! It's been three days! Are you okay?" Aziraphale asks, obviously worried.

"Fine, just.. just snake stuff." Crowley says, whining as the dildo hits him in all the right places.

"Crowley what's going on?" Aziraphale asks, still extremely worried.

"Nothing! Go home!" Crowley yells back, increasingly irritated.

"Not until I see you and make sure you're okay." Aziraphale says, noticing something strange. "Crowley what's that smell? Did you spray some fragrance?" Aziraphale asks, obviously confused. Crowley hadn't realized the angel would smell him. He didn't realize that he even smelled remotely okay, but apparently he does.

"No! No it's nothing!" Crowley yells, sitting all the way on the knot and groaning under his breath as he releases again. It feels so nice for a few moments, but after the knot doesn't go down, he feels dissatisfied.

"That's it, I'm coming in there." Aziraphale says, using a miracle to unlock the door.

As the door opens, Crowley yells "no! Don't!" But it's too late. Aziraphale's already making his way into the bathroom, realizing that's where that sweet scent is coming from. Crowley tries to use a miracle to keep the door shut, but he's just too weak right now.

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