Chapter 2: Back To School

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(Queens, New York. September, 2015. Y/N's age: 15)

Y/N's P.O.V

Right now I'm sitting on the toilet in my bathroom reading a comic book.

As I read there's a knock on the door and mum walks in.

I quickly cover myself.

Y/N: Whoa, mum.

Lauren: Sorry, sweetie. I need some soap.

Y/N: Mum, can you not just walk in after knocking.

Lauren: Oh, come on, Y/N. I used to change your diapers. There's nothing going on down there that I haven't seen before.

Y/N: Believe it or not, mum. Things down here have changed alot since then.

Lauren: Yeah, okay.

Y/N: Can you please get out?

She takes the soap and walks out.

I sigh.

Y/N: I can't wait to go to college.

Though I still have to wait another two years.

After finishing up, I leave the bathroom.

(Fifteen minutes later)

I'm now sat on the couch watching a news report.

Dad is fighting Hobgoblin out in Brooklyn.

Mum comes down the stairs.

Lauren: Hey, baby. What's going on?

Y/N: Dad's on the news again.

Lauren: Oh. Who's he fighting?

Y/N: Hobgoblin.

Lauren: You mean the new Hobgoblin.

Y/N: Oh, yeah. There was another one, wasn't there?

She sits next to me.

Lauren: Yep. At least the new one hasn't kidnapped us yet.

Y/N: Wait, what? The original kidnapped us? I don't remember that.

Lauren: You wouldn't. You were just a baby at the time.

Y/N: What happened?

Lauren: After the original Hobgoblin found out who Spider-Man really was, he came after us, but your father saved us.

Y/N: Oh, wow.

Lauren: Did you know, he's the only one of your father's enemies to find out his secret identity?

Y/N: Really?

Lauren: Yep, but he's dead. So, I guess it doesn't matter.

Y/N: How'd he die?

Lauren: He was impaled by his own glider.

Y/N: Whoa.

Just then dad comes through the backdoor.

He takes off his mask.

Miguel: I'm here, babe. I'm not that late.

Lauren: Hi, honey.

She gets up and goes over to him.

The two then kiss.

I shake my head.

Y/N: Don't make me get out the spray bottle.

The two laugh.

Lauren: Come on, let's go upstairs and get you out of that suit.

I groan.

Y/N: Really? I don't need to hear that.

Miguel: Shouldn't you be getting ready for school?

Y/N: Yes, I should. It's time to go.

I quickly grab my backpack and leave the house.

I walk out of the house and look at the wall.

So, I look at my hand.

Y/N: Maybe...

I try and climb the wall, but immediately fall down.

Y/N: Damn it.

I get up and leave.

I just really wish my powers would kick in already.

(Fourty minutes later)

I'm now at school walking towards the entrance.

I walk into the school and head over to my locker.

As I open I see Ben walk over and lean against the locker.

Ben: Hey, man.

Y/N: Hey, bro.

Ben: So, did you see the fight between Spider-Man and Hobgoblin on the news?

I open my locker.

Y/N: Yeah, I caught the end of it.

Ben: You should've seen the whole thing. It was crazy. So, who do you think Spider-Man is under the mask?

Y/N: Not sure and honestly, I don't think it matters.

Ben: What do you mean?

Y/N: Well, whoever he is, he doesn't want anyone to know who he is. I mean what if he's got a family, they'd possibly be put in danger if anyone found out who he was.

Ben: Yeah, I guess that's true.

I grab my books and put them in my backpack.

After that I close my locker as the school bell goes off.

Ben: Well, better get to class.

Y/N: Yep.

He and I leave to go to class.

(Five hours later)

So, the school day is over and I'm on my way back home.

As I cross the street a car comes speeding around the corner.

Y/N: Oh, crap.

On pure instinct I quickly jump into the air to avoid the car.

I look around and see I'm way above the street.

I see that I'm stuck to the side of the building.

My eyes widen.

I finally have my powers. I then look at my hand.

Y/N: It's about time.

I start crawling up the building and make it to the top.

After that I look out at the city from the top.

Y/N: Wow. This is crazy. Dad's never gonna believe this.

I look at the other building across from me.

This gives me an idea.

I take a few steps back and run forward to jump over to the next building.

I make it to the other building.

Y/N: Whooo! Oh, yeah. I better get home.

After that I climb back down the building to the alleyway below.

I then head back home.

Man, I still can't believe it.

After six years of waiting I finally have my spider powers.

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