Chapter 28: The Other Team Appears

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Y/N's P.O.V

After suiting up, Cap and I get into position.

Cap looks at me.

Steve: You ready for this, kid?

Y/N: Yeah. I just didn't think we'd have to fight our friends in order to get this done.

Steve: Me neither, but we've gotta do this.

I nod.

Y/N: I know. Let's do it.

He nods.

Steve and I then head out into the open.

We run towards a nearby chopper, but before we can get to it the chopper is hit and it's disabled.

He and I look up to see Iron-Man and Warmachine fly in and land infront of us.

Tony: Isn't fun how you run into people at the airport? Don't you think that's weird?

Rhodey: Definitely weird.

Steve: Tony listen to me. The doctor he's behind all of this.

Cap and I turn to see the Prince T'challa jump in and land nearby.

T'challa: Spider-Man, Captain.

I nod to him.

Y/N: T'challa. Good to see you again.

He nods.

Tony: Ross gave me thirty-six hours to bring you in. That was twenty-four hours ago, so can you guys help a brother out?

Steve: You're after the wrong guy.

Tony: Your judgement is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday.

Y/N: And there are five more Super Soldier's just like him, Tony.

Steve: He's right. We can't let the doctor find 'em first, Tony.

Steve and I see Natasha walk over to us.

Natasha: Y/N, Steve, you two know what's about to happen here. Do you really wanna punch your way outta this one?

Y/N: If we have to.

Stark shakes his head.

Tony: Alright, I've run outta patience. Undroos.

Then out of nowhere Cap gets his shield taken from him, both our hands then get binded by webs.

We look up and see Silk land down holding Cap's shield.

(A/N: Just imagine it's Cindy in her current Silk suit

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(A/N: Just imagine it's Cindy in her current Silk suit.)

Cindy: Hey, everyone.

Tony: Nice job, Silk

Cindy: Thanks, Stark. Appreciate it.

Tony nods.

She looks at me

Cindy: Hi, Y/N. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this.

Y/N: You and me both, sweetheart.

Steve: You've been busy, Tony.

Tony then goes on to say how us doing this is gonna tear the Avengers apart.

I sigh.

Y/N: You did that when you signed, Tony.

Tony: Alright I'm done. You're gonna turn Barnes over to us now! Because it's us! Come on, guys.

We then hear Sam come over the comms.

Sam: We found their quinjet. Hanger five. North runway.

Once we hear this Steve and I raise our hands up and Clint's arrows break through the webbing.

Y/N: Alright Lang, you're up.

Lang then grows big and kicks Cindy in the face and joins us.

Scott: I believe this is yours, Captain America.

Y/N: Next time go easier on her.

He looks down.

Scott: Oh, sorry.

We then see Black Panther run off in the direction Sam and Bucky were in.

I look to Steve.

Y/N: Deal with the King, I've got Nat and Rhodey.

Steve nods and runs after T'challa

(Five minutes later)

I've been fighting Natasha and Rhodes for a few minutes now.

Natasha tries to hit me with her batons, but I block it them.

I then drop down and trip her up.

After that I quickly web her arms and legs to the ground.

Natasha: Y/N, please stop. It's not too late.

Y/N: I'm sorry, Nat. I can't sign. I'd rather be a criminal than work for Ross and sign the Accords. I'm just sorry it had to come to this.

Natasha: Y/N, don't be...

Y/N: What? Don't be like my father. I'm not, Natasha. You should know that.

After that I see Rhodey flying towards me.

Y/N: (Whispers) Ah, speaking of a government bitch.

When he gets closer I jump up and kick sending him flying to the ground, breaking his baton.

He goes to blast me with his repulsors, but I quickly web zip at him and kick him into the wall.

After that I turn to see Lang running over.

Scott: Hey Spidey, heads up!

He throws me a small blue disc. Then he shows me a small truck.

Scott: Throw it at this. Now!

Lang throws the truck and I throw the disc.

They make contact the truck grows big and makes an explosion that hits Natasha, Rhodey and T'challa.

I give him a dirty look.

Scott: Ah man, I thought it was a water truck.

He looks at me.

Scott: Sorry, again. 

I shake my head.

Y/N: Forget it. Let's just catch up to Cap and the other's.

Scott nods.

Scott and I run off to find the others so we can get to the quinjet.

Hopefully, that explosion didn't hurt them too badly.

And I just hope Cindy's okay.

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