Chapter 37: Reconnecting With Dad

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Y/N's P.O.V

I've just been hit with a bomb shell here.

My dad is now standing infront of me and is the leader of the Spider Society.

Miguel: Hey, kid.

I drop my mask on the floor.

Miguel: I like your new suit. Looks good on you.

I step forward and stand face-to-face with him.

I then hug him.

Y/N: I can't believe you're here.

Miguel: It's good to see you, Y/N. I've missed you so much.

I pull away.

Y/N: This was all you? Bringing me here?

Miguel: Yes.

Y/N: Miles said that I was needed here. To protect the multiverse.

Miguel: That's true. The multiverse needs you.

Y/N: Why?

Miguel: It's really complicated. Come with me and...

Y/N: No, why would you lie to me again?

I look away.

Y/N: You killed so many people back home.

Miguel: I know.

I look back at him.

Y/N: Why would you think I'd ever want to see you again? You said you'd kill mum if you had to.

I sigh.

Miguel: Y/N, I need your help.

I point to Miles and Gwen behind me.

Y/N: I can't believe you put them up to this. Made them lie to me too.

Miguel: Just listen...

Y/N: No, I don't have to listen to anything you say.

I turn away.

Y/N: Y/N. Look... I... I made a mistake. And I've thought about you everyday since...

I quickly turn back.

Y/N: A mistake?!

Miguel: Son...

Y/N: No, you don't get to call me that anymore!

Miguel: What do you want me to say, Y/N?

Y/N: You could've started with "I'm sorry." You know what? Don't bother, alright? It wouldn't mean anything, anyway. It's too late for that. I hope you like it here with your new Spider friends. I guess they don't know you the way that I do.

I step over to Miles and Gwen.

Y/N: Look, if you two wanna live to see retirement from this hero gig, then get as far away from my father as you can. He destroys everything he touches.

I look back to dad.

Y/N: Fuck you.

I grab my mask and put it on before web swinging away.

I swing through the Spider Society.

A few seconds later dad starts swinging alongside me.

Miguel: You'll never make it home on your own.

Y/N: Watch me.

Miguel: Y/N, you don't even have a watch to get back home. Just come back and talk to me, please.

Y/N: And what are you gonna do if I don't? Break my nose again?

I land under a walkway and walk across with dad behind me.

Miguel: Look, I'll give you a watch and you can go home, but there's something you need to see first.

Y/N: No.

Miguel: Miles and Gwen didn't lie to you. The multiverse is in danger. And they're are other's that need your help. Let me tell you why.

I take off my mask and stop.

Y/N: I don't care.

Miguel: I know that isn't true. If you didn't care you wouldn't have come here in the first place.

I turn to him.

Y/N: Five minutes. For them, not you.

He nods.

We then drop down on the walkway below.

(Five minutes later)

Dad and I walk into the main command centre.

Y/N: So, how'd you end up here?

Miguel: After I left our Earth, I travelled the multiverse for a few days and ended up here. The Spider Society took me and let me stay.

Y/N: Oh, cool. How did you become the leader though?

Miguel: The Miguel O'Hara of this Earth created the Spider Society in order to protect the multiverse from anyone who'd want to harm it. After he died, he pasted on leadership to me.

Y/N: Well, he sure knew how to pick 'em. Do they know about what you did back home?

He sighs.

Miguel: Some of them do, other's don't.

Y/N: I'm not surprised. Lying is your specialty.

Miguel: Y/N, please...

Y/N: Whatever, man.

He opens the door and it's a bedroom.

Miguel: These are my quarter's.

Just then I see a Spider-Woman come out.

She goes over to dad and they kiss.

My eyes widen.

After that she turns to me.

Spider-Woman: Y/N, welcome to the Spider Society.

Y/N: Uh... thanks.

Spider-Woman: My husband has told me so much about you.

Miguel: Mara.

Y/N: I'm sorry, what?! What the hell is going on?

Mara: Oh. You didn't tell you yet?

She slowly walks away.

Miguel: I know this comes as a surprise.

Y/N: No shit, I'm surprised. You're married to mum.

Miguel: I can't go back to our Earth, Y/N. Not ever. The life I had there is over.

I nod.

Y/N: Oh, okay. Alright, you're all done with mum and all done with our Earth. Good to know. I'm real glad you got to show me how great your life is without us.

I turn away.

Miguel: This isn't what I wanted to show you.

I turn back around.

Y/N: What else could you possibly...?

I gasp when I see dad holding a baby boy.

He must only be about a year old or so.

Y/N: Uh, who is that?

Miguel: Y/N, this is your little brother. Lucas O'Hara.

My eyes widen.

Y/N: Oh, you gotta be shitting me?

Things just got alot more complicated.

(A/N: So, I'm not sure if I'll keep the name Lucas for Y/N's little brother, but that's what his name is for now.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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