Chapter 13: Spider-Man: Hammerhead & The Maggia Prologue

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Hey there, guys. It's Y/N O'Hara and I'm back just to bring you up to speed on things.

It's been four months since I fought my father and he disappeared. Things haven't been the same since he left. Things have been hard, especially for mum.

She tries not to let me see it, but I know she's hurting more than she'll say. Sometimes when I go to bed at night I'll hear her crying in the bedroom. She's doing better than when dad first left, but she's doing a little better everyday.

I've recovered physically from my fight with my dad, but I can't say I've recovered mentally. It's been hard being Spider-Man since what happened with dad. Alot of people see the original Spider-Man as a villain now and those same people see me as a threat too. I haven't told anyone, but I'm worried that I'll turn into my dad.

As Spider-Man I've been just swinging around mainly and I've been dealing with low-level crime as none of the big villains have broken out of prsion. I've had Cindy out helping me too, both she and Ben have been great actually. They're trying to help me move past what happened, but it's not been easy.

Part of me just wishes this could go back to the way they used to be. Fury and the GDA are still looking for my dad, though part of me doesn't want them to find him. I don't really wanna see him, I hope he doesn't come back. If he does, I don't know what I'll do.

Well, that's all. You're all caught up on things.

Bye for now, everyone.

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