Chapter 18: Spider-Man & Prowler Team-Up

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Y/N's P.O.V

Uncle Tommy and I have made it inside the base.

We make it to double doors and hide on either side of it.

Tommy: We've got some Maggia guys in there.

Y/N: Yeah, I see 'em.

Tommy: You're the boss here. What's the play?

Y/N: Okay....

I look around and spot vents on both walls near us.

Y/N: I got it. We take the vents and get above them. Then we take 'em out quietly.

Tommy: Got it. Let's go.

We go over to the vents and climb up into them.

I crawl through the vents and get into the next room.

I then drop down onto the beam below as uncle Tommy comes out and does the same.

He signals me and I look down to see a guard below me.

I nod.

After that I use webs to bring him up and attach him to the beam.

Tommy drops down and takes a guard down before jumping away.

We work together and take down the rest of the guards in the room.

Y/N: Okay, we got 'em.

He nods.

Tommy: You're good at the stealth. You'd make a good Prowler.

I smile.

Y/N: Thanks, but I'm liking being Spider-Man.

Tommy: Fair enough.

Y/N: You've got more experience than I do. Where do you think they'll be keep thr NuForm?

Tommy: If I had to guess, they'll be keeping it in the lowest point of the building.

Y/N: Okay. I'll contact Ben and see if he can scan the building. It'll be quicker than us running in circles.

Tommy: Good idea.

I contact Ben over the comms.

Y/N: Hey, Ben. Can you hear me?

Ben: Loud and clear. What's going on?

Y/N: Prowler and I are inside the Brooklyn base, but we need to find the NuForm. Can you do a scan of the building to get us a starting point?

Ben: I'll give it a shot. Stand-by.

After a minute or so, Ben gets back to me.

Ben: Okay, I think I got something. There's a heat soruce five floors below you. I'm not sure if it's the NuForm, but it's something.

Y/N: We'll take it. Thanks, Ben. Good job.

I look at Tommy.

Y/N: We're going down five floors. There's a heat soruce that Ben thinks might be the NuForm.

Tommy: Let's do it.

We walk through the doors to get to an elevator and see two dozen Maggia men.

They all see us.

Tommy: Ah, crap.

Y/N: Okay. You go left, I'll take right.

Tommy: Yep.

We take off and start fighting our way through the Maggia men.

(Ten minutes later)

Uncle Tommy and I have made it down five floors.

This is the floor where the heat source is coming from.

We walk over to double doors.

Y/N: Okay, this must be where the heat soruce is coming from.

Tommy: Let's just hope it's the NuForm.

Y/N: Yep.

I use webs to yank the doors open.

We walk in and see nothing, but a container in the middle of a room.

Tommy: I get the feeling that is NuForm.

I sigh. 

Y/N: Me too.

We go over to the container and open it.

There's something inside. Something I don't like.

Y/N: Is that what I think it is?

Just then a timer appears and it starts beeping.

Tommy: Yeah, it's a bomb. We gotta get out of here.

Y/N: Let's go.

We rush out the room.

I slam the doors behind us and use impact webbing at the doors.

We make our way back up to the other floors we were on.

None of the Maggia men are here, they must have gotten out because they need about the bomb.

Uncle Tommy runs ahead.

We feel a rumble.

Tommy gets to the entrance doors and opens them.

Tommy: Come on!

I web zip forward and grab uncle Tommy as I go past.

We make it out just as the building blows up.

Tommy and I look back as the building burns.

He sighs.

Tommy: Well, that could've gone worse.

Y/N: Yeah, I guess so. Come on, let's get back home.

He nods.

We then leave before the authorities show up.

(Thirty minutes later)


Tommy and I are back at home.

We walk through the front door to see Ben and mum there.

I take off my mask.

Ben: Hey. There you are.

Mum comes over and hugs us both.

Lauren: Thank god you're both okay.

Tommy: We're fine, sis.

Y/N: Yeah. We're good.

We pull away.

Ben: Guys, what happened? There are reports that the Brooklyn base you were at was blow up.

Y/N: It was. Turns out that heat soruce was a bomb.

Tommy: It's safe to say Hammerhead wants us dead for snooping around.

Y/N: You heard from Cindy?

Ben: Yeah, she just contacted me. She didn't find any NuForm. She's on her way back here.

Y/N: Damn it.

Ben: But the cops are taking in the Maggia guys from that base. Maybe the cops will get something from 'em.

Y/N: I guess that's something.

Tommy: Maybe, but I doubt they'll get anything. From what I hear, Maggia guys are loyal. They won't give up their boss or the location of the NuForm.

Ben: I just wish we knew what he was gonna use it for.

Y/N: Me too. I get the feeling it's gonna be something big.

I sit down and think.

There's gotta be something we're missing.

Why does Hammerhead want the NuForm? It doesn't make sense.

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