Chapter 32: Back On Ice

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Y/N's P.O.V

After the fight in Siberia Tony and Natasha took Zemo to Berlin to put him in jail.

The rest of mine and Cap's team have been released in return.

Tony showed Ross the evidence, so Bucky has been cleared of all charges when it comes to the UN bombing.

Stark is gonna talk to Ross about the Sokovia Accords and get scrapped.

I guess he now understands that the Accords shouldn't control the Avengers.

Anyway, right now Steve, T'challa and I have taken Bucky to Wakanda.

T'challa offered to help him get the Winter Soldier programming removed.

I'm sat with Bucky when Steve comes over.

Steve: Are you sure about this?

He looks up at Cap.

Bucky: I can't trust my own mind. So, until they can find a way to get this shit out of my head I think going back under is the best thing. For everyone.

Y/N: Well, I gave some ideas for a new arm to T'challa. He'll give it to his sister. So you'll have a new arm for when you're ready.

Bucky looks at me and smiles.

Bucky: Thanks, Y/N. You're a good kid, thanks for helping me. Do me a favor and look out for this guy for me.

I smirk.

Y/N: You got it, but he won't make it easy.

He chuckles.

Bucky: I know, that's why I'm asking you.

After that the Wakandan techs put Bucky in the cryo chamber and he goes back into cryo sleep, at least for now.

Third person perspective

Once Barnes is in stasis, Steve leaves the lab and looks out of a nearby window.

A moment later he's joined by T'challa.

Steve: Thank you for doing this.

He looks at Rogers.

T'challa: Your friend and my father, they were both victims. If I can help one of them find peace.

Steve: If they find out he's here, they'll come for him.

The soon-to-be King steps forward and looks at the panther statue outside.

T'challa: Let them try.

(The next day)

(Queens, New York)

Y/N's P.O.V

I'm now back home in New York after the craziness of the civil war, it's good to be back home.

I walk through the front door and see mum there.

Y/N: Hey, mum.

She turns to see me.

Lauren: Y/N.

She comes over and we hug.

Lauren: I'm so glad you're okay. I heard about what happened in Germany.

We pull away.

Y/N: Yeah, it was crazy. We're all okay.

She and I go to sit on the couch.

Lauren: And what's happening with the Accords?

Y/N: Well, after what happened Tony is in talks with Secretary Ross about getting the Sokovia Accords scrapped.

Lauren: Really?

Y/N: Yeah, which is good if you ask me.

Lauren: I'd say so too.

Y/N: Oh, wow.

Lauren: What?

Y/N: I just thought as a lawyer you'd be all for the Accords.

Lauren: I never agreed with them. I may be a lawyer, but it doesn't mean I think the law is always right. It isn't.

Y/N: Good point. And you're right about that.

Lauren: So, how are things with Cindy? I mean I know you two were on opposite sides with all this.

Y/N: We're good. She and Natasha came to Siberia and helped us. And now she understands that the Accords weren't the right for the Avengers.

Lauren: That's good. I bet you didn't think you'd be dealing with this as an Avenger.

I chuckle.

Y/N: You're right about that.

Just then I get a call from Ben.

Lauren: Who is it?

Y/N: It's Ben.

I answer the call.

Y/N: Hey, Ben.

Ben: Hey, Y/N. I know you've probably just got back home, but I need to talk to you. It's important.

Y/N: Oh, yeah. Okay, man. Sure.

Ben: Cool, thanks. Meet me at my house.

Y/N: Alright, bro. See ya soon.

Ben: See ya.

I hang up.

Lauren: What's going on?

Y/N: I don't know, he just said it's important. I gotta go see him.

Lauren: Okay, you go. We'll talk later.

Y/N: Alright, bye.

Lauren: Bye.

I get up and leave the house.

(Fifteen minutes later)

I've just changed out of my Spider-Man suit and go over to Ben's place.

It's just across the street from the alleyway I changed in.

I knock on the door and Ben opens the door.

Ben: Hey, man. Thanks for coming.

Y/N: Sure. So, what's going on?

Ben: Let's talk in my room.

He and I go upstairs and go into his bedroom.

Ben closes the door and locks it.

Y/N: Alright, what's up, Ben?

He sighs.

Ben: Yesterday something happened to me. And I feel like you're the only I can tell, at least right now.

Y/N: Okay... what is it?

He paces back and forth for a moment.

Ben then stops and looks at me.

Ben: Okay, okay. Maybe it's just better if I just... I show you. I'll show you.

Y/N: What are...?

Just then Ben jumps up and sticks to the ceiling.

Y/N: Whoa!

He looks down at me.

Ben: Yeah, I'm kinda like you now.

I smirk.

I then jump up and stick to the ceiling infront of him.

After that my spider sense goes off and I can see his has too.

Our spider senses bounce off each other.

Just like mine did with Cindy when we first met.

Y/N: & Ben: Whoa....

I smile.

Y/N: This is so cool.

Looks like there's another Spider in New York City.

(A/N: Well, that's it for the Captain America Civil War arc. Next up is Spider-Man: Spider Society. I hope you'll enjoy it.)

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