Chapter 21: Spider-Man Vs. Hammerhead

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Y/N's P.O.V

I swing into Roxxon plaza to find Hammerhead.

When I get there I see the NuForm is already in place within the machine.

Y/N: Damn it.

I drop down and look around.

Y/N: Gotta shut this down.

Just then my spider sense goes off, so I do a backflip to dodge a blast.

I look up to see Hammerhead on the balcony above.

Hammerhead: Hello, Spider-Man. So, you wanted a front row seat for the show.

I web zip up there and land on the balcony as he backs up.

Y/N: You're done, Hammerhead. You're going to jail.

Hammerhead: No, I'm not. By the end of the night, Brooklyn will have levelled and I will be running this whole city shortly after.

Y/N: That's not happening.

Hammerhead: You can't stop me, boy. The original Spider-Man couldn't, what makes you think you can?

Y/N: Watch closely and you'll find out.

I jump at him, but he grabs me and throws me into the office behind him.

Third person perspective

Y/N jumps up as Hammerhead charges at him.

Spidey quickly jumps into the air and over Hammerhead before kicking him in the back.

Hammerhead turns and Y/N uses impact webbing to wrap him up.

As Hammerhead struggles, Spider-Man web zips at him and hits him with a Venom Blast.

The blast causes Hammerhead to drop to one knee.

Y/N jumps back and lands infront of Hammerhead.

He then throws multiple Venom Blast hits, weakening him.

Hammerhead: Rrraahhhh!!!

Hammerhead rips through the webs and picks Y/N up.

He turns before throwing Y/N into the ceiling.

As Spidey comes back down Hammerhead hits him with a right hook, sending Y/N through the wall.

Y/N groans in pain.

Y/N: Ow.

He looks up to see Hammerhead come through the hole in the wall.

Hammerhead: I'm disappointed, Web-Head. I expected more. The original Spider-Man was much more impressive.

O'Hara pushes him up and gets to his feet.

Y/N: Please, I'm just getting warmed up.

Hammerhead: Oh, yeah? Prove it.

Hammerhead charges at Y/N with his head.

Y/N jumps forward and hits Hammerhead with a Venom Blast, casuing the Maggia leader to slide back.

He falls to his knees.

Y/N: Looks like you're feeling it, Hammerhead.

The villain stands up and glares at Spidey.

Hammerhead: Oh, I'm gonna kill you.

The two continue their fight.

After a few minutes the two fighter's are on their last legs.

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