Chapter 26: A Meeting With Tony

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(Two days later)

(Berlin, Germany)

Y/N's P.O.V

So the past couple of days have been insane.

The UN got bombed and the King of Wakanda was killed.

It's believed that Bucky Barnes a.k.a the Winter Soldier blew up the UN.

Apparently Steve and Sam tried to bring him in, but they got arrested.

I'm now in Berlin as Tony asked me to come here.

I walk into the main room and see that Cap and Sam are sitting in an office.

Stark comes over to me.

Tony: Ah, there they are.

Y/N: Alright, Tony, what's going on?

Tony: I just wanna talk?

I see Cap and Sam in an office.

Y/N: Why'd you arrest them?

Tony: We didn't, besides that office is better than a prison cell. Y/N, can we talk please?

I sigh.

Y/N: Sure.

Tony walks off and I follow him.

We go into an office and he closes the door behind, then he goes over to the desk.

Y/N: Okay Tony, what's this about?

He pulls a document out of the desk and brings it over to the table along with a pen.

I go over to the table and see that the document is the Sokovia Accords document.

Y/N: Damn it.

Tony: Y/N, please sign this.

Y/N: Tony...

Tony: Look, I know you don't like. Okay, I get it. But I need you to sign it.

I sigh.

Y/N: Who else has signed it?

Tony: Myself, Rhodey, Cindy, Natasha and Vision.

Y/N: What about Wanda?

Tony: Not yet, she's still undecided.

I grab the pen off the table.

Y/N: Tony, I wish we could be on the same side when it comes to the Accords. I really do, but I can't sign. I can't sign when I know in my heart that it's wrong.

Tony: Y/N, I want you with me on this, I need you with me on this. This needs to happen. If we don't do this, it'll be alot worse for us.

I look away.

Tony saying this reminds me of my dad and the day we fought.

Y/N: You know, my dad said the same thing the day I found out who he really was.

I look back to Tony.

Y/N: So, you're starting to sound an awful like him right now, Tony.

I sigh.

Y/N: Tony, if we do this... it's not gonna end well for any of us.

I put the pen back on the table.

Y/N: I can't. I'm sorry, Tony. I hope you can understand.

After that I walk out of the room.

(Ten minutes later)

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