Chapter 23: Captain America Civil War Prologue

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Hi there, everyone. It's Y/N O'Hara and I'm just gonna catch you up on things.

It's been three months since I defeated Hammerhead and took down the Maggia, well most of it. The first couple of weeks after Hammerhead was put away I had to deal with member's of the maggia that got away. Now they're all in jail along with Hammerhead.

After dealing with them I started going on missions with the Avengers around the world, so has Cindy too. Our first mission with the Avengers was to take down a giant robot called Ultimo. He was built by a rogue HYDRA cell, using parts left over from the battle of Sokovia. I also almost got killed on the mission.

I used my Venom Blast to take down Ultimo from the inside out. I survived by the suit Tony made for me was ruined, but I managed to fix it up. 

I've also been going on missions for the GDA and made a new friend from a place known as Wakanda. Anyway, I've been helping Fury and Hill search for my dad, we've still got nothing on him. And honestly, I'm still not sure if I even wanna find him. I mean he tried to kill me.

I haven't told mum about what's going on when it comes to the search for dad. I'm pretty sure she definitely doesn't want to see him after what happened.

Anyway, while I'm not being an Avenger or being Spider-Man in New York, I'm just being Y/N O'Hara. I'm now officially dating Cindy and we're doing great. According to my mum we're still in the honeymoon phase of our relationship.

Well, that's all for now. You're caught up on things.

Goodbye for now, guys.

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