Chapter 33: Spider-Man: The Spider Society Prologue

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Hey, everyone it's Y/N O'Hara and I'm just gonna catch you up on some things.

It's been six months since the Avengers Civil War and the Sokovia Accords have officially been scrapped. Zemo is still behind bars and from what I hear he won't be getting out anytime soon.

And for the past six months Ben has been going out in the city as a hero, he now goes by the Scarlet Spider. Cindy and I have been giving him pointer's but he's been mainly picking up this superhero thing on his own. I even think he'd make a good fit for the Avengers, but he doesn't want that. He says he doesn't feel ready to be an Avenger.

When I'm not being Spider-Man in New York, I'm on missions with the Avengers. After what happened in Lagos and the airport battle some people around the world have been less fond of us, which makes sense. But we're slowly rebuilding trust with the people that protect.

Anyway, things in my personal life are going well. Cindy and I are going strong, even though we were on different sides during the civil war we didn't let it effect our relationship.

I've also still been working with Nick Fury and the GDA. And we've still been searching for my dad, but we've still got nothing. He's been gone for a year now and we still can't find him. I'm not sure whether that's a bad thing or not. I mean he needs to be brought to justice for what he did, but maybe it's better if we never find him. I don't wanna put mum through the pain of seeing him again.

Well, you're all caught up on things now.

Goodbye, guys.

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