Chapter 27: Scott Lang

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Third person perspective

Back at the Government HQ, Tony, Cindy and Natasha are in a meeting with Ross.

Ross is pissed as Barnes is in the wind again along with Steve, Y/N and Sam.

Ross: I don't suppose you have an idea where they are?

Tony: We will. GSG 9's got the borders covered. Recon's flying 24/7. They'll get a hit and we'll handle it.

Ross: You don't get it, Stark. It's not yours to handle. It's clear you can't be objective.

He turns to the three.

Ross: I'm putting special ops on this.

Natasha: What happens when the shooting starts? You kill Steve Rogers?

Ross: If we're provoked. Barnes would've been eliminated in Romania if it weren't for Rogers and Wilson. And now he has Spider-Man with him too.

Cindy stands up.

Cindy: You wanna kill Spider-Man too?

Ross: If we have to. He chose his side and he chose to side with a criminal. He's more like his father than I thought.

Cindy: He's nothing like Miguel O'Hara.

Natasha: And Spider-Man isn't a criminal. You know how many people he's saved, right?

Ross: I do and I appreciate that he's done alot of good, but if he and Rogers provoke us, then we'll kill them if we have to.

Tony: No, that's not happening. He's just a kid.

Ross looks at Stark.

Ross: There are dead people, who would be alive now. Feel free to check my math...

Tony: All due respect, you're not gonna solve this with boys and bullets, Ross. You gotta let us bring 'em in.

Ross: How would that end any differently than last time?

Tony: Because this time, I won't be wearing lothers and a silk shirt. Seventy-two hours, guaranteed.

Ross: Thirty-six hours. Barnes. Rogers. O'Hara. Wilson.

Tony: Thank you, sir.

After that Tony and Nat talk about bringing in some back-up.

Cindy starts thinking to herself.

Maybe trusting the government and singing the Accords was a mistake.

Y/N's P.O.V

So Cap, Sam, Bucky and I are on our way to meet up with Sharon Carter.

She's agreed to help us out by getting Steve and Sam's gear back, they didn't take mine as they didn't know I have it.

We pull up under the highway bridge to meet up with Sharon. It's a crappy car, but it got us here.

Steve: You guys wait here. I'll get our gear, then we can meet up with the other's.

Y/N: Got it. We'll keep an eye out, just in case.

Steve: What, you don't trust her?

Y/N: I barely know her, Cap and she works for the government that's currently trying to arrest us.

Sam: He makes a good point, Steve.

Steve: Look, I trust Sharon. It'll be fine.

Cap gets out of the car and goes over to Sharon.

Bucky: Can you move over a bit?

Sam: No.

Bucky then moves over to the other side slightly.

I smirk.

Y/N: Sam, play nice now.

Sam: I am.

The two talk for a couple of minutes, they then kiss.

Y/N: Well, now know why he trusts her so much.

Sam: Yep.

After that Cap looks at us as we all smirk at him.

He shakes his head and grabs the gear from the trunk.

(Twenty minutes later)

We drive up into a parking lot near the airport.

Steve pulls up and we see a white van parked in a parking space away from us.

Bucky: What's in the van?

Y/N: Just some friends.

The four of us get out of the car.

We see Clint and Wanda get out of the van.

Clint: Cap, Spidey.

Y/N: Hey, Clint.

Steve and I shake hands with Clint.

I've met Clint Barton a couple of times, even though he's technically retired.

Steve: I wouldn't have called if I had any other choice.

Clint: Hey man, you're doing me the favour. Besides, I owe a debt.

I look back at the van.

Y/N: So, how's our other recuit?

Clint: He's ready to go.

He goes over and opens the van door to reveal the guy that Sam contacted.

Clint: I had to put some coffee in him but he's good.

The guy gets out off the van.

???: What time zone is this?

He then sees Steve.

???: Captain America!

He shakes Cap's hand.

Steve: Scott Lang I presume?

He nods.

Scott: Yeah that's right. You're Captain America.

Scott looks at Wanda.

Scott: I know you too, you're great.

Lang looks back to Cap.

Scott: Look I know you guy's know alot of super people. So, thinks for thanking of me.

He then looks at Sam.

Scott: Hey, man.

Sam: What's up, Tic Tac?

Scott: Hey, so, what happened before...

Sam: It was a great audition, but it'll never happen again.

Y/N: Scott, did these guys tell you what we're up against?

He turns to me.

Scott: Something about some psycho-assassins?

Steve: We're outside the law on this one. So if you come with us you're a wanted man.

Scott just shugs this off.

Scott: Yeah, well, what else is new?

The intercom then turns on and the guy says that the airport needs to be evacuated

Bucky: They're evacuating the airport.

Sam: Stark.

Y/N: Definitely.

Scott: Stark?

Steve then looks to all of us.

Steve: Alright, suit up. Y/N you're with me, the rest of you get into your positions.

We all leave to suit up and get ready to fight our friends.

I don't want to fight any of them, but I know we don't have a choice now.

I guess I'm gonna have to fight my friends and girlfriend.

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