Chapter 14: Saving Spider-Man The Cat

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(Queens, New York. January, 2016. Y/N's age: 15)

Y/N's P.O.V

So, I'm out in the city as Spider-Man.

I've come back to a place that I've visited alot since my dad left.

The abandoned steele foundry dad and I fought in.

I look down at the blood stain on the floor, my blood.

I sigh.

Y/N: Why'd you do it, dad? Why?

Just then I hear Ben come over the comms.

Ben: Y/N? You there?

Y/N: I'm here. What's up?

Ben: There's been a robbery. I'm sending you the coordinates.

Y/N: Understood.

I put my mask back on and web swing away.

(Thirty minutes later)

So, after checking out the crime scene, I have somewhere else to go.

An old friend of Spider-Man's, Tao was robbed. Apparently, the robber's took his cat and are held up in the nearby power plant.

I'm on my way there now.

I contact Ben over the comms.

Y/N: Hey, Ben. You there?

Ben: Yeah, man. I'm here. What's going on?

Y/N: Tao's Bodaga was robbed and the thieves are held up in the power plant nearby.

Ben: Oh, crap. What do you need from me?

Y/N: I might need some doors unlocked or something. So, I need you to hack into the plant's security systems.

Ben: Okay, I'm on it. Have fun in there.

Y/N: I always do.

I make it to the power plant and crawl in through the vents.

Y/N: Ah, the vents. My home away from home.

I make it to the other side and see the thieves.

Ben: Y/N, I'm in the security system.

Y/N: Perfect timing, bro.

Ben: Wait, what are these guys doing?

Y/N: They're smashing up the equipment.

Ben: Are they trying to cause a blackout or something?

Y/N: No idea. Got stop it either way.

I drop down and they see me.

Y/N: Hey, fellas. You got room for one more?

Robber: Spider-Man! Get him, boys!

They come at me and I hit one in the face by web zipping at him.

(Five minutes later)

So, I've just taken down all of the bad guys, I go over to a bag that's hanging on a lever.

Once I grab the bag I see a ginger cat pop it's head out.

Y/N: Ah, you must be Teo's cat, Spider-Man. It's nice to meet you. I'm Spider-Man.

I look in the bag and see a small Spider-Man mask.

Y/N: This must be yours, buddy.

I put the mask on him and he looks adorable.

Y/N: Aww, you look cute. I know a certain girl who'd love to meet you.

I put the backpack on my back.

Y/N: Let's get you back home, pal.

When I turn around I see a group of bad guys coming towards me.

Y/N: Okay. Let's do this, boys.

After a few minutes of fighting I get down to the last guy.

I punch him sending him into the air, I then flip in the air and activate my venom blast ability.

I shock the bad guy in mid-air, whilst Spider-Cat jumps out of the backpack and scratches the bad guy.

(A/N: So just imagine Y/N in his current suit

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(A/N: So just imagine Y/N in his current suit.)

I land on the ground, then I look back at Spider-Cat who's now back in the backpack.

Y/N: Nice job, Spider-Man. You'd make a great partner. But for now let's get you home.

After leaving the power plant I land on a rooftop.

I take a selfie with Spider-Man the cat, before taking him back to Teo.

I go into Teo's store.

Y/N: Hey Teo, I've got a surprise for you.

Teo: Oh yeah? What's that?

He turns and see Spider-Man the cat sitting on my shoulder.

Teo: Spider-Man!

Spider-Man the cat jumps down and goes over to Teo.

Teo: Did you have an adventure?

Y/N: Yeah, he helped me take the bad guys down. He's a fighter for sure.

Teo: Yes, he is. Thanks for bring him back Spider-Man.

Teo and I fist bump.

Y/N: It's no problem. I see ya later.

Teo: See ya later Spider-Man.

I leave Teo's and web zip away.

(Twenty minutes later)

I swing to my house and climb through my bedroom window.

Ben turns in the chair to face me.

Ben: So, how'd it go?

Y/N: Well, robbers were stopped and Spider-Man the cat was saved. So, I'd say pretty well.

Ben: Cool. I've been doing some research on my end.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Ben: Well, I was run scans on those guys from the power plant and pulling up their criminal records. I was thinking we might be able to find out who they're working for that.

Y/N: That's smart. You got anything?

Ben: Not yet. I...

Just then the computer beeps.

Ben: Never mind.

I go over to it and criminal records come up on screen.

I look at them and notice something.

Y/N: Well, they've all got something in common.

Ben: Yeah. All of them are apart of the Maggia Crime family. You ever heard of it?

I shake my head.

Y/N: No. It's new to me. Mum might have though. I'll ask her. Cause I get the feeling this isn't the last we've seen of the Maggia Crime family.

Though I hope I'm wrong. 

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