Chapter 16: The Bridge Save

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(The next day)

Y/N's P.O.V

So, today my mother is going to a party at her law firm.

And I'm going with her.

She and I are sat together.

Y/N: No offence, mum. But this is so boring.

Lauren: I know, baby. I just need to be here for appearances more than anything.

Y/N: I don't know how dad managed to get through these.

She looks down.

Y/N: Crap. Sorry, mum. I didn't mean to say that it's just...

Lauren: It's okay, hon. Don't worry about it.

Y/N: I know you miss him. I didn't mean to bring him up.

Lauren: I know. And your dad used to hate these things too.

We both laugh.

Y/N: I can't believe we're laughing about it now.

Lauren: Yeah, I know.

Just then I get an alert on my phone.

Lauren: What is it?

Y/N: Ben has been tracking a Maggia crew for some time. They're heading to the Brooklyn Bridge.

Lauren: Wait, Roxxon has a truck filled with NuForm going across the Brooklyn Bridge tonight.

Y/N: They might be hitting it. I gotta go.

Lauren: Okay, be careful.

Y/N: I will.

I leave the room and sneak out of the building.

After that I run down the alleyway and take my clothes off to change into my suit.

I put my mask on and web zip into the air.

Ben comes through the comms.

Ben: Hey, bro. You get my message?

Y/N: Yeah, I got it. I'm on my way to the Brooklyn Bridge. Where's Cindy?

Ben: Uh, I've got her chasing down another lead. Do you want me to sending her your way?

Y/N: No, no. Don't. Keep her on what she's doing. I've got this.

Ben: Okay, man. Good luck. 

I continue swinging to Brooklyn Bridge.

(Ten minutes later)

I make it to the Brooklyn Bridge and see that the Maggia has attacked the Roxxon truck.

Y/N: Shit. Gotta stop 'em.

I swing over and see the Roxxon guard having a shootout with the Maggia.

I land down between the two groups.

Y/N: Whoa, whoa. Stop! Hold fire!

They stop shooting.

Roxxon Guard: Spider-Man!

???: I'll handle this.

I look over to see a big guy in a suit come out of the truck.

Y/N: You must he Hammerhead.

Hammerhead: That I am.

Y/N: You're going down.

I run at him and jump up to punch him.

He puts his head down and I punch his head.

And it hurts to punch it.

Y/N: Ow! What the hell is your head made out of?

Hammerhead: Let me show ya, kid.

He charges at me with his head and hits me.

I go flying into the railing.

Y/N: Okay... that hurt too.

I shake my head and see Hammerhead is leaving.

Hammerhead: Grab the NuForm. Make it fast!

I see one of his men grab a canister of NuForm.

Y/N: No!

I jump forward and grab the other side.

My Venom Blast hits it and causes an blast that sends me into the NuForm truck.

I look back and see my Venom Blast has hit the other canisters in the truck.

Y/N: Oh, shit!

It explodes and hits me.

I go flying back and see that the explosion tore through most of my suit.

I see the bridge supports break off.

Y/N: Shit!

The bridge starts collapsing.

I fire webs to try and stop the supports.

The bridge breaks apart.

A bus falls off with the driver still in it.

Y/N: Hold on!

I swing down and web zip through the window to grab the driver.

After that I swing back up and land on the bridge.

Y/N: Go! Get clear!

Driver: Thanks!

???: Spider-Man, help!

I look over and see civilians trapped on the other side of the bridge.

Y/N: Don't worry! I'm coming!

I jump inbetween the gap and use my web lines to pull the two parts of the bridge together.

Y/N: Use the flatbed to get across!

The civilians move across the flatbed and get over to the other side.

After that I see a boat is gonna get crushed by a truck.

I drop down and grab the woman and web zip out of there.

A moment later I get all the civilians to safety.

I turn back and look at the bridge.

Y/N: Oh, shit. Damn it.

???: Hands up, Spider-Man! You're under arrest!

I turn to see Roxxon guards pointing their guns at me.

Y/N: Whoa! Wait, I'm on your side.

Civilian: What are you doing? He saved our lives!

Civilian #2: Don't do this. He's not a threat.

Roxxon Guard: Stay out of this!

As they argue I drop down and get away from the bridge.

I need to get away from it.

I swing and stick to the side of a crane.

I then take my mask off.

Y/N: What the fuck? So much for Roxxon being there for us.

I drop down on the rooftop below me.

Just then Cindy swings in.

She lands on the rooftop and pulls her mask down.

Cindy: Y/N, what happened? I heard the explosion.

Y/N: I.. it... shit...

She comes over and hugs me.

Y/N: It just blew up.

Cindy: It's okay. It's okay. It wasn't your fault.

I can't believe that happened.

People could've died back and it would've been my fault.

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