Chapter 3: Training With Dad

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Y/N's P.O.V

I'm now back in my bedroom crawling over the ceiling.

I still can't believe I have my powers now.

I drop down from the ceiling and look at my hands.

Y/N: So cool.

Just then mum calls out.

Lauren: Y/N, dinner's ready!

Y/N: Coming!

I haven't told my parents about my powers yet. I want to tell them both together.

I go downstairs and sit at the dinner table.

A moment later mum comes over and sits infront of me.

Lauren: Hey, baby. How was your day?

Y/N: Really good, actually. I have something to tell you and dad.

Just then dad comes in and sits down.

Miguel: I'm not late. I told you I wouldn't be late.

Lauren: Yes, you did, honey.

Miguel: So, what's going on?

Lauren: Well, Y/N was about to tell me about his day. Apparently he has something to tell both of us.

Dad looks at me.

Miguel: Oh, yeah. What happened today, kid?

Y/N: Well... my powers finally kicked in.

They both smile.

Miguel: Really?

Lauren: That's amazing, sweetie.

Miguel: Are you sure?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm sure.

Miguel: So, how'd it happen?

Y/N: Well, I was on my way from school and I cross the street. Just then a car comes speeding round the corner and it's about to hit me. So, I jump into the air and stick to a building.

Miguel: That's amazing, but no-one...

Y/N: Don't worry, dad. No-one saw me.

Miguel: Okay, good. I tell you what, tomorrow we'll start training.

My eyes widen.

Y/N: Wait, really?

Miguel: Yeah. I gotta start getting you ready.

Lauren: Looks like this city will have two Spider-Man's now.

Miguel: Well, I was thinkin' he'd be Spider-Boy.

Y/N: Hey!

We all laugh.

After that we continue having dinner.

(The next day)

I'm now out in the field with dad.

This is where we're training for the first time.

Y/N: So, where do we start first?

Miguel: Well, first I'm gonna teach you how to fight.

Y/N: Fight? I thought we'd start with web swinging.

Miguel: I thought about that, but if you're gonna be out there with me... you're gonna have to know how to fight off the bad guys.

Y/N: Yeah, that makes sense. So, how do we start?

Miguel: Now, that's the easy part.

He steps back.

Miguel: I want you to try and hit me.

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