Chapter 7: The Avengers Compound

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(The next day)

Third person perspective

Nick Fury, the leader of the GDA. The Global Defence Agency.

The GDA is at the Oscorp research facility that was destroyed, yesterday.

They lost a GDA scientist in the fire.

Agent Hill walks over to Fury.

Maria: There isn't much left, sir. All we found was this.

They found Alexander's GDA tags.

She hands them to him.

Nick Fury: Damn.

Maria: There is something else, sir.

Nick Fury: What is it?

Maria: Someone was saved by Miguel yesterday and they said he went back in to save someone, but didn't come out.

Nick Fury: Really?

Maria: What do you think that means?

Nick Fury: I get the feeling it's nothing good. It's not like Miguel to leave someone behind to die. Something more must be going on.

Y/N's P.O.V

Right now I'm fighting crime as Spider-Man.

I'm chasing after a speeding car with robbers in it.

I swing after them.

Y/N: Hey! You're going over the speed limit, guys!

I land on the car and drag the two guys out the back.

I create web pads for them to land on.

After that I jump onto the hood and use my web lines to bring the car to a stop.

I land down and web the two guys up in the front.

Robber: Ah, what is this?

Y/N: It's webbing I developed myself. You guys stay here and wait for the cops to show up.

Just then two cop cars pull up.

Y/N: Ah, that was prefect timing.

I turn and web swing away.

A moment later I land on a rooftop.

Just then my spider sense goes off.

I quickly turn and catch a shield that would've hit me.

(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N in his current suit

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(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N in his current suit.)

???: Nice catch, kid. I heard you were fast, I guess that's true.

I look up to see Captain America.

Y/N: Whoa. You... you're Captain America.

Steve: That's right. And you're the new Spider-Man.

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