Chapter 36: The Spider Society

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Y/N's P.O.V

I'm now back home with the other's and I've just told mum about what's happening.

She seems to have taken it well.

Lauren: Are you sure you have to go?

Y/N: I do. Mum, they need my help. And I can't just look the other way.

She nods.

Lauren: I understand. I'm so proud of you.

Y/N: Well, I'm just doing what you taught me to do. Help people.

She smiles.

Lauren: I know.

She and I hug.

We then pull away and she looks to Miles.

Lauren: Miles, look out for my son.

He nods.

Miles: I will.

Y/N: Well, it's time to go.

Miles: Yep.

Y/N: Bye, mum. I love you.

Lauren: I love you too, baby boy.

Y/N: Oh, and if you need any help, Cindy and Ben will be here for you.

Lauren: I know. Now, go. Be a hero.

I nod.

After that I leave with Miles.

We then web swing away and land on a nearby rooftop.

Y/N: So, how do we get to the Spider Society?

Miles: Well, we just...

Just then a portal opens infront of us.

Y/N: Is that you?

Miles: Nope.

A woman comes through in an spider suit.

???: There you are, Miles

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???: There you are, Miles. I've been looking for you all over this New York.

Miles: Right, sorry. It look a little longer to find this Spider-Man than I thought.

Y/N: Uh, Miles... who's this?

Miles: Oh, right. Y/N O'Hara, this is Gwen Stacy, the Spider-Woman of Earth-65. Gwen, this is... well, you know who he is.

She takes off her mask.

Gwen: Hi there. Nice to meet you.

Y/N: You too.

We shake hands.

Gwen: Come on, we should get back. The boss needs us back.

Miles: Right, let's go.

He then shows me a watch.

Miles: To answer your question, Y/N. We can use this watch to get to other Earth's. It's how I got here.

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