Chapter 24: Spider-Man Vs. Sandman

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(Queens, New York. April, 2016. Y/N's age: 15)

Y/N's P.O.V

Right now I'm out in the city as Spider-Man along with Cindy as Silk.

We're sat on the ledge of a rooftop with our masks off.

I sigh.

Y/N: Well, it's quiet today.

Cindy: Yeah, it is.

She looks at me.

Cindy: So, have you got any new missions from the GDA coming up?

Y/N: Uh, no. And as you know I haven't had one since the one in Paris last month.

Cindy: Oh, yeah, when you ran into that guy from Wakanda.

Y/N: Yep. Black Panther. We went from attacking each other to helping each other real quick.

As we talk about the mission it gets me thinking about it.

(One month earlier)

(Paris, France. March, 2016)

Third person perspective

Y/N O'Hara is on a mission in Paris and running down a lead for the GDA.

He's also looking for a guy in a black suit too.

Y/N comes up on a bridge and sees the guy in black running down it.

Spidey rushes forward and fires webbing at the back of his head.

The man turns and spots Spider-Man.

Y/N: That's far enough.

He walks towards the man.

Y/N: I'm here on the business of the Global Defence Agency.

The man takes his helmet off to reveal T'challa a.k.a the Black Panther.

T'challa: Yours is not the only business here. Stay out of my way.

Spidey continues walking towards him.

Y/N: Stand aside!

T'challa: I do not take orders from anyone!

He walks towards Y/N as the young hero stops.

T'challa: Turn around, boy. Go home.

Y/N: Look, pal, I don't know who you are.

T'challa: But I know who you are. You're the amazing Spider-Man. New York's hero, swinging around in red and black pj's.

Y/N: Says the man dressed like an overgrown house cat.

T'challa: This is your last chance, boy! Walk away!

Y/N shakes his head.

Y/N: I don't have time for this.

T'challa drops his helmet and activates his vibranium claws.

T'challa: Neither do I.

The two charge at each other and fight.

(Present Day)

Y/N's P.O.V

I sigh.

Y/N: Turns out T'challa is a cool guy. You just don't wanna be on the other end of his claws, trust me.

She smiles.

Cindy: I could say the same about you.

I chuckle.

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