Chapter 19: Spider-Man Vs. Beetle

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(Three days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

For the past three days the other's and I have been looking for Hammerhead and the NuForm.

The only new thing we've learnt is that he's got a new Lieutenant, it's Beetle.

Right now I'm swinging around the city looking for Bettle.

If anyone knows where Hammerhead is, it'll be him.

Y/N: Come on, Beetle. Where are you?

Just then I get a call from Cindy on my commlink.

Cindy: Hey, Y/N. You there?

Y/N: Yep. What's up? Did something happen?

Right now I've got Cindy at my place to protect my mum, just in case Hammerhead knows who I am.

Cindy: Nothing. I just wanted to check in. You find Bettle yet?

I sigh.

Y/N: No, not yet. It seems whenever I want to find a villain, they're nowhere to be found.

Cindy: Hey, you'll find him. I know it. I believe in you, Y/N.

I smile.

Y/N: Thanks, Cindy. And thanks for watching over my mum. I feel much at ease knowing you're protecting her.

Cindy: You're welcome.

Just then I see hear a blast and see a figure in the air.

Y/N: Oh, crap. I think I got something. It could be Bettle. I gotta go.

Cindy: Okay. Be safe, please.

Y/N: I will, Cindy.

I hang up before web swinging in that direction.

When I get there I see Beetle fly off with a truck again.

Y/N: Really? Again?

I swing after him and manage to catch up.

Y/N: Bettle, we've already talked about this. There are more subtle ways to steal a truck.

I web zip at Bettle and kick him in the face.

This causes him to drop the truck.

I then web zip at the truck and stick to it.

After that I land on the ground with truck over my head.

I drop it down and see Bettle get up.

Y/N: Alright, Bettle. Where's Hammerhead? I know you're working for him.

He aims his gauntlet at me and tries to blast me.

I dodge the blast and land on a streetlight.

Y/N: Okay, I guess you don't wanna talk.

He continues to fire blasts at me, but I dodge them.

I swing in to get some civilians out of the way.

Y/N: Get to safety, go.

Woman: Thank you, Spider-Man.

I nod and turn back to Bettle.

I web zip at him and land multiple punches.

He blasts me and I fly back skidding across the ground.

I jump up and slash at his chest with my Talon Claws.

The claws tear through his armor, but hits me with a chest blast.

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