Chapter 15: Facing Scorpion

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(Three days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

So, for the past three days Cindy, Ben and I have been looking into the Maggia Crime family.

We spoke to my mum and we learnt the name of their leader. His codename is Hammerhead.

Though we don't know where he is.

Cindy and I are swinging through the city.

I contact Ben.

Y/N: Hey, Ben. You got anything for us to go on? We need to find this Hammerhead.

Ben: No, nothing. I'll let you know when I've got something.

Cindy and I land on a nearby rooftop.

I take off my mask and Cindy pulls her mask down.

Cindy looks at me.

Cindy: Y/N, are you sure we'll ever find this Hammerhead? I mean what if he's not even New York anymore?

Y/N: What reason would he have to leave?

Cindy: Maybe so many of his men got arrested and he decided to skip town.

Y/N: Well, we need to look for him, at least until we know for sure one way or the other.

She nods.

Cindy: Okay, you're the boss.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Don't call me that.

She giggles.

Cindy: Aw, is someone embarrassed?

Y/N: Shut up.

We both laugh.

Just then Ben comes over the comms.

Ben: Guys, I've got something, but it's not Hammerhead.

Cindy: What's going on?

Ben: Mac Gargan a.k.a Scorpion is going on a rampage a few blocks away from you.

Y/N: Okay, Ben. We're on it. Thanks.

We put our masks on and web swing to Scorpion's location.

My eyes widen when I realise something.

Y/N: Wait, I just remembered something.

Cindy: What is it?

Y/N: When my mum and I went through the Maggia's files they said that Gargan is actually an associate of Hammerhead's.

Cindy: So, you're thinking he can lead us to Hammerhead.

Y/N: Exactly. Come on.

We continue swinging through the city.

(Five minutes later)

Cindy and I make it to Gargan's location.

We land on the ground infront of him.

Y/N: Whoa. Looks like Gargan's got a new makeover.

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