Chapter 10: Learning The Truth

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Y/N's P.O.V

So, Cindy and I are still out in the city as Spider-Man and Silk.

Just then I get an alert through the police scanner app.

Y/N: Hey, Silk. I've got something.

Cindy: What is it?

Y/N: There's a problem at an construction site. The frames of the new building are coming down and workers are trapped in the lower levels.

Cindy: Okay, let's move. Lead the way.

I swing left and Cindy follows me.

Cindy: Do you think we'll need some help on this one?

Y/N: Nah, we've got this. But if we do, I'll call in my dad.

Cindy: Okay.

We swing towards the construction site.

Third person perspective 

Meanwhile, at the GDA headquarters the other's are talking about what to do.

Maria: Director, we've got good news and bad news.

Nick Fury: What's the good news?

Maria: Well, we've got a new location on Spider-Man. He and Silk have just gotten to a construction on the outskirts of Queens.

Nick Fury: What's the bad news?

Maria: We've got Miguel O'Hara's location. He's moving on Y/N and Cindy's location.

Nick Fury: Damn it. Hill, get the team out there now. And get the drones in the air, I want eyes on this.

Maria: Yes, sir.

Lauren looks at Fury.

Lauren: Nick, you can't let them hurt Y/N.

Nick Fury: They won't...

He sighs.

Nick Fury: Not unless they have to.

Y/N's P.O.V

Cindy and I are now at the construction site.

We land on a beam that's still up.

Worker: Spider-Man, Silk, a few of my guys are stuck. They need help.

Y/N: Don't worry, we'll get them out.

Cindy: Let's get in there.

We jump down into the hole.

???: Spider-Man, help!

We look over to see the trapped worker's.

Y/N: Hold on!

Cindy and I run over to them.

We use our strength and lift the beam off the worker's.

Cindy: Okay, we just gotta get 'em out.

Just then our spider senses go off.

I look up and see a beam falling down.

Y/N: Move!

I push Cindy out of the way and catch the beam.

Cindy: Are you okay?

Y/N: I'm fine. Just get 'em out!

Cindy: Right!

Cindy works on getting the worker's out.

Just then more debris falls down causing more weight.

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