Chapter 22: Becoming An Avenger

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(Three days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

It's been three days since I defeated Hammerhead and stopped Brooklyn from being levelled.

Hammerhead is now locked away in jail thanks to my mum.

We're outside the courthouse as Hammerhead gets taken away to prison.

Lauren: Well, there goes Hammerhead. Off to jail with the rest of Spider-Man's rogue's gallery.

Y/N: Yep. I wonder who his cell mate will be?

Lauren: My guess is Tombstone.

I chuckle.

Y/N: That's a cage match I'd pay good money to see.

She laughs.

After that she and I walk together.

Lauren: You did great against Hammerhead. He wouldn't be going to jail if it wasn't for you.

Y/N: And you did great in the courtroom, mum. Who would've thought a vigilante and a lawyer would make a good team?

Lauren: No-one, probably. But we do. You catch 'em, I cook 'em.

She quickly looks around.

Lauren: Oh, I hope I didn't say that too loud.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Nah, I think we're okay.

I sigh.

Y/N: I gotta say, after all that I need to unwind.

Lauren: I know what you mean. It's a good thing we're having a little get together later on today.

I look at her.

Y/N: We are?

Lauren: Yep. Just us, your uncle, Cindy and Ben.

Y/N: Only our little team, huh?

Lauren: Yeah. I figured we needed it.

Y/N: Oh, I agree.

Lauren: Come on then. We need to go to the store and grab some things.

Y/N: Okay, mum.

She and I then head to the store.

(Five hours later)

The other's and I are now back at home.

We're having the little get together mum mentioned.

It's nice to relax after what's been happening recently.

I sit down with Cindy and hand her a drink.

Y/N: Here.

She smiles.

Cindy: Thanks.

Y/N: No problem.

Cindy: So, how you feeling? I mean after the whole "absorbing NuForm thing?"

Y/N: I'm surprisingly okay. I guess I can thank my accelerated healing for that.

Cindy: I guess so.

She looks at me.

Cindy: You took down Hammerhead, stopped the NuForm from leveling the whole of Brooklyn.

Y/N: Yes, I did.

Cindy: You must be feeling pretty confident right now.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Yeah...

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