Chapter 12: Life After...

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Third person perspective

The Avengers have just gotten Y/N back to the GDA HQ.

Steve puts the kid down on the bed as a doctors and medics come in.

Doctor: Back up, give us some room.

His mother rushes into the room.

Lauren: How is he?! Please tell me he's okay!

Doctor: He will be, but we need room to work. Please, wait outside.

Lauren: No! No, I won't! He's my son!

Cap steps infront of her.

Steve: Lauren, I'm sorry, but he's right. We need to go.

She sighs.

Lauren: Okay, fine.

She points at the doctor.

Lauren: But if he dies, I'm holding you personally responsible!

She leaves with Rogers.

Fury shows up with Hill.

Nick Fury: How is he?

Steve: We don't know yet.

Lauren: Do you know where Miguel went?

Nick Fury: No, we don't. Not yet.

Maria: But we're looking into as we speak. We'll find him.

Nick Fury: We will. Come on, Hill.

The two walk away.

Lauren sits down outside the room.

(Two days later)

It's been two days since Y/N's fight with his father and it's all over the news.

The world believes Miguel went bad and just disappeared.

Little do they know the second part is right. He just disappeared.

Lauren leaves Y/N's room as the boy has been in and out of it for a few hours now.

Fury walks up to her.

Nick Fury: Lauren, can we talk for a moment?

She wipes her eyes and turns to the Director.

Lauren: Yes, what is it?

Nick Fury: Well, we thought you should know that as Miguel's identity as Spider-Man was a secret... we've had to come up with a way to not tarnish his legacy and hurt you or Y/N.

Lauren: Okay...

Nick Fury: So, we faked Miguel's death. He's been officially declared dead. As far as the public is concerned he died in a plane crash while away on business. And we've talked to his CFO and he agreed to take over as acting CEO for the time being.

Lauren: Oh... I see.

Nick Fury: We put a grave in the cemetery, not that'd you would wanna visit. We've taken all precautions.

She nods.

Lauren: Thank you, Nick. I appreciate it.

Nick Fury: Of course.

He walks away.

After that Lauren goes back into Y/N's room.

(Three days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

I slowly open my eyes and see I'm in a hospital room.

???: That was a hell of a thing you did, kid.

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