Chapter 17: A New Suit

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(The next day)

Y/N's P.O.V

I'm now at home and in my bedroom.

Right now I've got the news playing on my laptop.

My number one hater J. Jonah Jameson is obviously blaming me.

Jonah: The Brooklyn Bridge incident is just proof that this new Spider-Man has no idea how to be the so-called hero he believes himself to be. He is no hero!

Just then Ben comes into the room.

He goes over to my laptop and turns it off.

Ben: Man, that's bullshit. It didn't happen like that.

Y/N: That may as well have been how it went.

I then see Cindy climb through my window in her suit.

She pulls down her mask.

Cindy: Y/N, where you been?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Cindy: We were supposed to be going out on patrol, remember?

I sigh.

Y/N: Ah, shit. Sorry, Cindy.

She looks at Ben.

Cindy: He was listening to reports about what happened last night, wasn't he?

Ben: Yep.

Just then mum comes into the room.

Lauren: Hey, Y/N.

She sees Ben and Cindy.

Lauren: Oh, hey, guys. I didn't know you were here.

Y/N: Yeah, they just got here.

Lauren: I'm just going to the store. Do you guys want anything?

Y/N: I'm okay, mum.

Cindy: I'm fine. Thank you.

Ben: I'm okay too. Thanks.

Lauren: Okay.

She looks at me.

Lauren: Y/N, it wasn't your fault.

Y/N: Yeah, I know. I'm trying, mum.

Lauren: I know, sweetie.

She leaves the room.

I sit up on my bed and activate my claws.

Y/N: When I first got my powers, I thought I'd be able to fix anything. Do anything that Spider-Man can. But J. Jonah was right. I'm no hero.

Ben sighs.

Ben: Whenever you talk about Spider-Man, you always talk about your... the other one.

Cindy: He's right.

She grabs my art book and sits next to me.

Cindy: You're the amazing Spider-Man, Y/N. You can fix this, your way.

She hands the book to me.

Ben: She's right. You've got this. And we'll help you when you need it.

I smirk.

Y/N: Thanks, guys. If I'm truly gonna be the amazing Spider-Man, I'm gonna need a new suit. And some new web shooters.

Cindy smiles.

Cindy: Let's do it.

I open the book and look at the new designs that I've come up with.

The three of us leave my bedroom.

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