Chapter 9: Spider-Man & Silk Team Up

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(The next day)

Third person perspective

Lauren is sat in the kitchen with the notebook in her hands.

The one with Miguel's list.

Just then Miguel comes into the kitchen.

Miguel: Morning, hon. What do you want for...?

He looks at her.

Miguel: Hey, you okay?

Lauren: I know, Miguel.

Miguel: I'm sorry?

He looks at the notebook in her hands.

His eyes widen.

Miguel: How'd you find that?

Lauren: Really? That's your first question?!

She gets up.

Lauren: Why do have this? A list with names crossed out. You let Alexander Williams die.

Miguel: How do you know about that?

Lauren: Fury and the GDA found footage of the fire at the Oscorp facility. You let him die!

Miguel: Look, I know you're upset and I understand why.

Lauren: Why, Miguel?

She gets up and goes over to him.

Lauren: Is someone blackmailing you? Did they threat to expose your identity? Did they threat me or Y/N?

He sighs.

Miguel: No.

Lauren: Then why?

Miguel: Look, I know you're confused, but I need you to trust me.

She backs away.

Lauren: Trust you?! How am I supposed to trust you?

Miguel: Come on, Lauren. You know me.

Lauren: I thought I did, but I'm not sure anymore. Get out.

Miguel: Lauren...

Lauren: Get out!

He sighs.

Miguel: We'll talk more later.

O'Hara leaves the house.

(Twenty minutes later)

Right now Miguel O'Hara is standing at the top of the Crystler Building in his suit.

He comes here when he needs to think. 

The man needs to find a way to tell his son the truth. He needs his son to help him.

Miguel: Y/N, I need to tell you something.

He sighs.

Miguel: I've had to let people die while here in this time. I know what you're gonna say and what you're thinking. And if I were in your position, I'd probably be thinking the same thing, but it needed to happen. I didn't want to do it, but I had to. I'm sorry, son....

O'Hara shakes his head.

Miguel: Damn it. I gotta find him.

His mask covers his face and he dives off the building.

Y/N's P.O.V

Right now I'm out in the city as Spider-Man along with Cindy a.k.a Silk.

Her suit is pretty cool.

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