Chapter 6: Cindy Moon

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(The next day)

Y/N's P.O.V

So, yesterday myself along with my parents told Ben more about our family secrets.

He's handling very well, it's very surprising.

We're currently walking to school and he's still talking about all of it.

Ben: I still can't believe your dad is Spider-Man and from the future. Does that technically mean he's younger than both of us?

I tilt my head.

Y/N: Well, no. But yeah, kinda. You know, I don't know.

We across the Roxxon facility where I took down Rhino.

Ben: Whoa. So, this is where you took down Rhino?

Y/N: Yep.

Ben: Dude, you could've died.

Y/N: Yeah... I guess so.

There's a moment of silence.

Ben: Do you lay eggs?

I chuckle and look at him.

Y/N: What? No.

Ben: Sorry, I had to ask.

I sigh.

Y/N: Come on, let's get to school. 

We walk away and head to school.

(Twenty minutes later)

Ben and I have made it to school.

We go into our chemistry class and sit at our desk together.

Y/N: Hey, do you wanna see something?

Ben: Sure.

I open the draw next to me and pull out tubes of web fluid that were webbed up to the top of the draw.

He takes one and looks at it.

Ben: Whoa. Is that what I think it is?

Y/N: Yep. It's my web fluid. I keep it in here.

Ben: That's so cool. Why keep it here though?

Y/N: Well, I never know if I'm gonna need it.

Ben: Good point.

Our teacher comes in and we quickly hide the web fluid tube.

He greets us and turns to the white board.

I take the tube and put it with the rest before sticks the tubes back to the top of the draw.

That was a little too close.

(One hour later)

After class has finished I go to Ben's locker with him.

He opens his locker and a few books fly out.

Ben: Oh, shit.

Y/N: Dude, you're running out of room in your locker.

Ben: Yeah, I know.

I kneel down and help him pick up the books.

Just then my spider sense goes off, but it's not a threat. The presence feels friendly.

Ben: Hey, what's wrong?

Y/N: It's my spider sense. It's going crazy.

Ben: So, we're in trouble?

We stand up.

Y/N: No.

My eyes widen.

I think I know what's going on.

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