Chapter 20: Dealing With Roxxon

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(The next day)

Y/N's P.O.V

So today is the day, Hammerhead is gonna destroy Brooklyn using NuForm.

I'm in the Spider Bunker with the other's.

Y/N: Ben, please tell me you've got Hammerhead?

Ben: No, not yet.

I look to mum.

Y/N: Mum, did you to get the evacuation under way?

Lauren: I did. They're working on it now. I'm going there to help.

Ben: I'll come too.

Cindy: We need to get to Brooklyn and help.

Just then we see uncle Tommy come down.

Tommy: Guys, we've got a problem.

Y/N: You're gonna have be more specific.

Tommy: Hammerhead's Maggia crew is pouring into Brooklyn. And they're attacking multiple locations.

Y/N: Okay, here's the plan. Cindy, Tommy and I will go out there and deal with the Maggia thugs, mum help with the evacuation.

I look to Ben.

Y/N: Ben, you stay here and keep looking for Hammerhead. As soon as you've got something, let me know.

Ben: Got it. Good luck out there.

I put my mask on as Cindy pulls her up.

After that we all leave to head out to Brooklyn.

(Thirty minutes later)

(Brooklyn, New York)

Cindy and I web swing into Brooklyn as rain comes down hard.

We land down on a rooftop ledge.

Cindy: The streets are quiet. No-one's here.

Y/N: And that's a good thing. We don't have to worry about civilians getting caught in the crossfire.

Cindy: Good point.

Y/N: Look, if you find anyone here, then get them away.

Cindy: Got it.

After that we hear gunfire coming from multiple directions.

Y/N: Damn it.

Cindy: You go left, I go right?

I nod.

Y/N: Definitely. Stay safe, Silk.

Cindy: You too, Spider-Man.

I jump and web swing to the gunshots.

(Five minutes later)

I make it to the first location and see the Maggia thugs.

I look around and see they having a shootout with Roxxon guards.

Y/N: Hey, Cindy, I've got Roxxon guards fighting the Maggia. You got that on your end?

Cindy: Yeah, I do. How do we handle it?

Y/N: We help 'em. Only take them down if they attack us.

Cindy: Got it.

I drop down inbetween them.

Y/N: Hey there, guys! Is this a private fight, or can I join?

Thug: Spider-Man! Shoot him!

They fire at me and I web zip at them to take them down.

A moment later I use my webs to pull the gun out of a thug's hands.

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