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The Valorian Empire became the greatest force to be  reckoned with, encompassing an entire continent is sheer size and one of the most diverse populations.

In the chronicles of dominance, the Valorian Empire emerges as an unparalleled force, rising from humble origins as a kingdom adorned with three formidable dukedoms and aristocratic factions.

Through unrelenting conquests, it journeyed to become a formidable empire containing numerous kingdoms under their rule. This empire, becoming as the sanctum of enchantment, proudly boasts the divine favor of the god Azeron, marking it as the sole birthplace of magic.

In the rhythm of every fifty years, Azeron bestows his divine gifts upon chosen mortals, marking sorcerers and sorceresses who wield powers categorized into two domains – the healers, bearers of life-altering energies, and the fighters, the indomitable force that shapes the Valorian military into an unstoppable force.

The original Valorian kingdom, once a foundation, now towers as the majestic capital, a symbol of dominion and power. As the empire's expanse extends through conquest, the annexed realms maintain their sovereignty as kingdoms beneath the might of imperial rule.

The Valorian Empire is one to never be messed with.

Main Characters

Jennie Ruby Jane de Asteria

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Jennie Ruby Jane de Asteria

Crown Princess of the Dukedom of Asteria
under the capital of the Valorian Empire.

Combat Sorceress.

To become the personal guard of the imperial crown prince.

To become the personal guard of the imperial crown prince

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Taehyung Ares Delrico de Valoria

Imperial Crown Prince of the Valorian Empire.

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