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The first streaks of dawn hadn't yet kissed the sky when Taehyung and Jennie found themselves on the vast, open tarmac, their breaths visible in the chilly morning air

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The first streaks of dawn hadn't yet kissed the sky when Taehyung and Jennie found themselves on the vast, open tarmac, their breaths visible in the chilly morning air.

The predawn air was crisp, the kind that bites at the cheeks and reminds one of the stillness before the world wakes.

The empire's fleet of sleek, metallic flying vehicles gleamed under the dim light, waiting like silent, obedient beasts.

Jennie, standing a respectful distance from the vehicle designated for the crown prince, watched Taehyung approach, his presence commanding even in the early morning quiet.

He paused only to exchange a brief word with Liam, who was waiting to sit in the front row, separated from the back with a privacy screen enchanted to remain true to its name.

"Jennie, aren't you coming?" Taehyung's confusion cut through the chill, his brow furrowing as he stopped in front of the lead car.

Jennie blinked, taken aback. "Your Royal Highness, I'll follow in the second vehicle with the rest of your security detail. The front is already taken by your chauffeur and Liam."

Around them, guards and staff members exchanged bewildered looks, their expressions a mix of confusion and unease at the prince's unusual request and at his use of her first name.

Taehyung glanced at the car, then back to Jennie, his confusion deepening.

"But... why can't you just sit with me in the back?" He insisted, genuinely puzzled. "There's plenty of space."

Her mouth fell open, mirroring the shock on the faces of the surrounding entourage.

"I... Your Royal Highness, I'm your guard, not a royal. It's against the protocol. There are rules—long-standing ones." She stuttered, her professionalism wrestling the abnormality of the situation.

Taehyung waved a dismissive hand, his tone firm yet casual. "I'm the crown prince, Jennie. If I say the rules can bend for this trip, then they can. It's my wish."

"Your Royal Highness, with all due respect, it's against protocol. I am your guard, not a passenger. The rules have always been clear on this matter." She retorted uneasily, glancing at Liam who offered her no support against the Prince.

He knew better.

"But you're not just security. You're also a duchess, and a commander." Taehyung interjected, using her noble title to weave through the tangle of protocols. "Doesn't that position merit a seat beside me?"

"Well, no. I'm not a royal, yo-" she refuted before getting interrupted once more.

"It doesn't matter. Either ways, I'm the Crown Prince. So don't make us all suffer in the cold for any longer and please just get in the car." He persisted, eyeing her with an expectant look.

The air seemed to freeze for a moment, the staff's murmurs hushed as they waited for Jennie's response.

With the weight of his gaze and the force of his authority pressing down on her, Jennie hesitated, then, with a resigned sigh, relented.

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