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In the days following their unexpected encounter, the halls of the palace buzzed with the usual political intrigue and preparations for the upcoming diplomatic summit

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In the days following their unexpected encounter, the halls of the palace buzzed with the usual political intrigue and preparations for the upcoming diplomatic summit.

Yet, amidst the flurry of activity, Taehyung found his thoughts drifting back to Jennie more often than he cared to admit.

Jennie, on the other hand, was fully immersed in her duties, the situation with the dam having been resolved efficiently under her command.

It wasn't until the eve of the summit that their paths crossed again, this time in the palace library.

Jennie was there, pouring over maps and reports, when Taehyung walked in, seeking refuge from the relentless demands of his role as Crown Prince.

"Working late, Jennie?" Taehyung asked, his voice echoing softly in the quiet of the library.

Jennie looked up, surprised to find him there. "Taehyung," she greeted, quickly masking her surprise with a neutral expression.

"Yes, just reviewing some plans for the border defenses. And you?" She questioned, raising her hand to fix her glasses properly.

"Escaping," he admitted with a half-smile, walking over to where she sat.

"The summit preparations are... overwhelming at times." He admitted, fixing the cuff of his sleeve absentmindedly, his focus solely on her right then and there.

There was something about the way she looked...about her. No matter the relentless hours and what he for sure deemed as overwhelming work from being a duchess, a commander, and his personal guard, she always managed to look...beautiful.

Honestly speaking, Taehyung wasn't one to consider women based on their appearances.

But somehow, her entire persona only added to her allure, one he found himself unable to resist.

"I have to issue another speech tomorrow." He continued his conversation as he noticed that he found himself staring.

Jennie nodded, understandingly. "I can imagine. These summits are crucial, but the endless discussions and negotiations can be taxing on a person physically."

"Exactly. Sometimes, I envy the simplicity of the war general role I used to have." Taehyung pulled up a chair, sitting across from her.

"Commanding an army, dealing with clear and present dangers—it seems more straightforward than navigating the unnecessary complexities of politics." Taehyung pulled up a chair, sitting across from her. He sighed, his eyes roaming over the books in front of her.

Jennie chuckled, a hint of irony in her laughter. "I wouldn't call it simple. But I get your point. At least in battle, you know who your enemies are. In the courtroom, I feel more out of element than anyone." She admitted, increasing the brightness of the lamp beside her.

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