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"Then why isn't she waking up?"

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"Then why isn't she waking up?"

"We have removed the poison, however her body went under significant duress because of the poison. She needs time to naturally recover and when that happens, she will wake up on her own." Father Matthias informed him as Taehyung nodded, thanking him before he and the priests took their leave.

"Shall I contact Asteria to arrange for her accommodations, Your Highness?" One of the imperial guards proposed as Taehyung immediately shook his head while sitting down on the alter beside Jennie.

"She will stay with me." He took her hand in his, staring at her form before returning his gaze to the guard. "Make sure no one except Jungkook and His Majesty knows about this.

"About that..." The guard muttered, awkwardly clenching his fist before bringing his gaze up to Taehyung.

"As of late last night, His Imperial Majesty the 23rd Sun of Valoria has returned to Azeron's arms."


The next five days passed in a blur. Jennie remained unconscious, and Taehyung stayed by her side as much as his new responsibilities allowed. The funeral for his father was a grand affair, as befitting an emperor. Taehyung led the procession, his face a mask of solemn duty.

Due to his return from a victorious battle, he successfully fulfilled the prophecy, making him the next successor of the Valorian throne.

The citizens of Valoria lined the streets, mourning the loss of their emperor and watching as the man who would become their next ruler took on the mantle of leadership. Taehyung's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.

He thought the feeling of losing his father would have weighed more heavily. The relationship they had shared was one of duty and expectation, not warmth and affection. More than grief, he felt a loss of a final family member. No mother, no siblings, and now, no father.

The grand halls of the Valorian palace were draped in somber shades of black and deep purple. The air was thick with the scent of incense and the quiet murmur of mourners who had come to pay their respects to the late Emperor.

White lilies, symbols of purity and renewal, adorned every corner of the palace, their delicate petals a stark contrast to the heavy atmosphere.

In the center of the hall lay the Emperor's casket, made of dark mahogany and ornately carved with scenes from his reign. At the head of the casket, a large portrait of the Emperor looked out over the gathered nobles.

Taehyung stood at the foot of the casket, dressed in formal mourning attire. His face was a mask of calm, though his eyes betrayed a depth of emotion that few could understand. The nobles approached one by one, each carrying a single white lily to place on the casket.

"Your Highness," Lord Hadrian said, bowing slightly before placing his flower. "May the Emperor find peace in Azeron's embrace."

"Thank you, Lord Hadrian," Taehyung replied, his voice steady.

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