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The grand hall of the Valorian palace was ablaze with the shimmering glow of chandeliers, casting a warm and inviting ambiance

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The grand hall of the Valorian palace was ablaze with the shimmering glow of chandeliers, casting a warm and inviting ambiance.

Crimson banners bearing the emblem of the Valorian empire adorned the walls, a testament to the recent victory that Crown Prince Taehyung Ares Delrico and his forces had achieved.

Dressed in regal attire, Taehyung navigated the sea of elegantly attired guests, his royal blue cape trailing behind him.

Various noble ladies and princesses from various regions of the empire and nearby kingdoms eagerly approached him, vying for his attention.

As the heir to the Valorian throne, he was the most sought after individual there tonight.

Taehyung detested the attention, finding the crowding unnecessary and unpleasant as he felt constructed to false smiles and words dipped in the honey of diplomacy.

Yet he had to persist, due to his father's obligatory matchmaking attempts.

"Your Royal Highness, what a splendid victory! Our kingdoms shall prosper under your rule." Princess Isabella gushed, her eyes sparkling with admiration as her blonde hair flung around due to her violent jumps of excitement.

Taehyung smiled graciously, "Thank you, Princess Isabella. It was a collective effort, and I'm grateful for your kind words."

"Oh please, you are the hero. A prince of your caliber needs a worthy empress to manage the palace and court affairs by your side." Lady Rosewood, daughter of Viscount Rosewood, pointed out, her emerald adorned fan flaunting the aristocracy wealth.

Taehyung did not know how to approach this, the frustration of the high society manners almost causing him to boil over.

"Your Royal Highness, His excellence Duke Victor of the Ignis Dukedom is requesting an audience." His secretary cut in, as Taehyung nodded, turning back to the ladies with a firm nod.

"Excuse me,"

As the night progressed, the crowd buzzed with excitement, and Taehyung exchanged pleasantries with the attending royalty.

However, the chatter reached a slow halt when the ornate doors of the hall swung open, revealing a figure that commanded the attention of all.

The air seemed to shimmer around her as she made her way through the crowd, her entrance evoking hushed whispers and admiring glances.

Nobody could pin her amongst the nobles of high society. If one with such a look had existed, there was absolutely no way that she wouldn't be remembered.

And that's why it clicked for everyone at the same time, before it was even announced, that the talk of the empire, the returning princess, was none other than the wondrously ethereal woman who had just entered.

Jennie commanded attention in a flawlessly fitted red jeweled ballgown that was adorned with rubies and garnets, hugging her figure gracefully.

A tiara adorned her midnight-black hair, accompanied by Valorian jewelry and blood red rubies that accentuated her regal status and seductive charm.

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