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The grand throne room of the Valorian imperial palace was bathed in golden light, the opulence of the surroundings reflecting the immense power and wealth of the Valorian Empire

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The grand throne room of the Valorian imperial palace was bathed in golden light, the opulence of the surroundings reflecting the immense power and wealth of the Valorian Empire.

Despite the incoming war, the palace never lost its majesty.

Nobles and dignitaries lined the room, their eyes fixed on the Emperor who sat on his ornate throne, flanked by his advisors and generals.

Jungkook stood at the center of the room, beside his father the King of Mazocar, as they waited for the Emperor to address them.

The air was thick with anticipation as the Emperor prepared to address the assembly. Whispers had spread through high society about the changes and commands that would be issued today, but no one knew the full extent of what was to come.

The Emperor, looking pale and frail, rose slowly, his movements deliberate. "My loyal subjects," he began, his voice raspy but firm. "We are gathered here today to address the pressing matters of the war and to make crucial decisions for the future of our empire."

He turned his gaze to Jungkook, who stood tall and composed.

"In light of the current crisis, it has been decided that Crown Prince Cassian of Mazocar will step into the role of temporarily commanding Asteria. I'm permitting an early entry without the official engagement due to the circumstances of war." He announced, nodding when Jungkook bowed slightly to accept the orders.

A murmur of surprise rippled through the room. Though many of the nobles had predicted this turn of events, it was a rather sudden announcement. The engagement between Jungkook and Jennie had been a topic of high-society speculation for some time, and now it was being formally confirmed.

One of the nobles, Lord Hadrian, stepped forward, his brow furrowed. "Your Majesty, if I may—this early entry into the Asterian household, is it not unprecedented without a formal marriage or at least an official engagement ceremony?"

The Emperor nodded slowly. "Indeed, Lord Hadrian. But these are extraordinary times. Duchess Jennie herself sent an official transmission requesting this arrangement, understanding the urgency of our situation. War does not wait for formalities."

As the Emperor prepared to continue, a guard entered the throne room and announced, "Your Majesty, a foreign diplomat has arrived on behalf of the Kingdom of Chizar."

The Emperor's eyes narrowed slightly. "Chizar, you say? Very well, let them enter."

The grand doors of the throne room opened, and a figure stepped into the room. The nobles turned to see a woman, her presence commanding and regal.

She wore elegant attire befitting a diplomat, but there was an air of authority about her that suggested something more.

When Jungkook turned back to face the door behind him, the last thing he expected to see was her. He didn't know what he expected, but he couldn't help the twinge of intrigue that peaked through the minute his eyes landed on her.

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