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The next morning dawned bright and clear, casting golden light across the sprawling grounds of Valoria Palace

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The next morning dawned bright and clear, casting golden light across the sprawling grounds of Valoria Palace.

Inside, the corridors were loud with whispered conversations and hurried footsteps as courtiers, nobles, and advisors navigated the several arising complexities of the impending war.

Jennie, having spent a restless night by overthinking the divine prophecy and cursing out Azeron's ambiguous announcement style, walked briskly towards the council room for an early meeting while struggling to hold back a yawn.

Her usual perfectionist style was replaced with a simple work attire, rid of the typical format overcoat that was embellished with insignias and badges, as well as the typical high society jewelry. Her usually styled or pinned back hair was held together in a quickly made and effective bun, held by a singular hair tie as loose pieces of hair hung to frame her face.

Her style, however, wasn't questioned much as majority of the female ministers and advisors had dressed in similar fashion, the hurried and never ending preparations of war leaving no time for fashion considerations.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she nearly bumped into Prince Leonard, who appeared unexpectedly around a corner.

"Good morning, Duchess Jane," Leonard greeted her with a charming smile, stepping aside to allow her room to pass. "I trust you found your private prayer enlightening yesterday?"

Jennie, masking her irritation with a polite nod, responded coolly, "Indeed, Prince Leonard. Every moment of reflection brings new insights. And how does this fine morning find you?"

Leonard's smile widened slightly, sensing the formal distance in her tone. "Eager for the challenges ahead. I must admit, the prophecy has given us much to think about. It seems we are both destined to play pivotal roles in the fate of Valoria."

"Destiny often has its own plans, your highness," Jennie replied, maintaining her composure. "Let us hope it guides us well."

As Leonard made to continue the conversation, Jennie excused herself with a brief, "If you'll excuse me, I, or rather we, have preparations to attend to," and continued on her way, leaving a slightly bemused prince to follow her.

In the council room, the war council convened in the high-ceilinged strategy room of the palace.

Maps and charts covered the walls and tables, depicting troop movements and strategic points along Valoria's borders.

The room was filled with the realm's top military leaders, advisors, and both princes—Taehyung and Leonard—each marked by a distinct aura of resolve and tension.

Jennie took her place near the head of the table, her expression composed as she prepared to discuss the deployments and strategies.

The focus of today's session was the eastern border, where the threat from the Drikar Kingdom had escalated alarmingly.

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