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The camp was alive with the sounds of preparation and tension

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The camp was alive with the sounds of preparation and tension. Jennie and Taehyung's argument still hung heavy in the air, affecting not only the two of them but also the soldiers and captains who could sense the discord between their leaders.

War demanded unity, but their hearts were divided.

Jennie stood outside the command tent, her mind swirling with the echoes of the heated exchange with Taehyung.

She had to push her emotions aside, but the pain in her chest made it difficult to focus. The prophecy from Azeron, the impending war, and her responsibilities to Asteria all weighed heavily on her.

And more than anything, the words he said to her, the words she said to him; they all plagued her mind vehemently.

"Your Excellency?" Lieutenant Leia approached, her expression concerned. "Are you alright?"

Jennie forced a smile, nodding. "I'm fine, Lieutenant. We have more pressing matters to attend to."

Leia hesitated, clearly aware that Jennie was not alright, but she respected her commander's need for composure. "Yes, Your Excellency. The captains are waiting for your orders."

With a deep breath, Jennie walked into the command tent where Captain Lee, Captain Mark, and Lieutenant Leia awaited. Maps and reports cluttered the table, and the atmosphere was tense.

"We need to move quickly," Jennie began, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her. "The Drikar Empire is making their move on the Calyx Mines, and we cannot afford to let them obtain Azeron's Gem."

Captain Lee nodded. "Our scouts have reported increased enemy activity in the region. They're narrowing their search."

"Wr are suspending efforts of recovering territories and the primary force of the deployment will likely shift to a direct war with the Drikar forces." Jennie continued, eyeing the sharp intakes of breaths and the widened eyes of the soldiers, the only reactions they could spare when in assembly.

"We have discussed our strategy for hours in the command tent. For now, these are the positions." Lieutenant Leia addressed, pulling out a signature stack of papers.

"Captain Mark's squadron will lead a detachment to intercept any reinforcements the Drikars might send. My squadron will coordinate with our allies and ensure our west flank is secure. Captain Lee's squadron will approach from the other side and launch a shock attack on the enemy forces from their rear flank."

"The main force will be lead by His highness and Her Excellency to the Calyx Mines. They will intercept the enemy's acquisition of the gem, and in the worst case, combat to recover it to our army to prevent an attack on the Empire. Hence the sorcerers will be accompanying the main force by swapping out your current positions."

Captain Lee and Captain Mark exchanged glances but nodded in agreement. They knew better than to question the Prince and the Duchess' strategic decisions, especially with the stakes so high.

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