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"Thank you for hosting us

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"Thank you for hosting us. Please do make time to attend the Emperor's ball in Valoria." Taehyung politely nodded to the royal family of Chizar who had gathered to bid them farewell.

"We would be most honoured." The Queen smiled as she gave Jennie one last hug.

"We do apologise about the attack at the jubilee. It should've been anticipated by our security team." King Reyes said, his voice laced with concern.

"Please do not worry. Valoria has never held any expectations of Chizar to predict an attack like that. It has become a rather common incidence due to my impending ascension to the throne." Taehyung replied, his voice carrying the weight of his role.

Meanwhile, Lisa and Jennie could've been seen bidding their final farewells.

"I just wish we could've had more time together." Lisa sighed as she hugged the girl once more.

"Me too Lis. It was nice to catch up though, I hope we'll get to do it again during your visit to the Empire." Jennie smiled as Lisa nodded before stepping closer, ensuring she was out of ear shot.

"Maybe the news I'll hear then will be of a certain Crown Prince's engagement?" She smirked, shooting a teasing look towards Taehyung who was too engrossed in conversation with the King, Queen, and the Crown Prince of Chizar.

"Lisa!" Jennie hissed before looking around to ensure no one heard, "Don't stir untrue rumours!" She exasperated.

Lisa could only shrug, her grin still present as ever. "Doesn't seem too far fetched, but have it your way."

"What will I do with you." The latter sighed as she looked back to the guards, nodding when Liam was gesturing for them to board the shiny fleet of vehicles.

"Your Royal Highness, it's time." Jennie called out as Taehyung turned back to her and nodded, allowing Jennie to bid her final farewell to her family away from home before approaching the vehicles themselves.

Jennie held her breath, hoping he wouldn't take notice as she drifted away from his path and approached the second vehicle, smiling slightly as he stepped forward to board his vehicle.

But just as she thought she got away with it, Azeron had to always prove her wrong.

"Jane." His voice called out as she stalled, taking a deep breath as she swivelled to meet his eyes.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness?" She played cluelessly, praying he would just drop it.

Instead, his pointed look and nod towards the car had her sigh in defeat, as she approached his vehicle while avoiding eye contact with the all-knowing Lisa who was blissfully grinning at them.

"It would save us a lot of you would've just allowed me to take the second car." She sighed as he shrugged.

"I don't want to be alone. Is it that wrong for me to want someone I like back here?" He asked, playing the innocent card as she rolled eyes once more, causing him to grin even more.

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