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"I still don't get how you can just talk to a god

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"I still don't get how you can just talk to a god." Taehyung muttered as he fixed his eyes on the woman across him.

The morning was brisk, the air charged with a mix of reverence and anxiety as the royal procession made its way to the Temple of Azeron. Amidst the glittering entourage, one of the ceremonial carriages bearing Prince Taehyung and Duchess Jennie was particularly striking.

Both were adorned in traditional garb of white and gold, the colors of purity and divine favor, which shimmered in the morning light.

Jennie's attire, a flowing gown of white silk trimmed with gold, accentuated her natural grace, while Taehyung wore a ceremonial tunic of similar hues, his regal bearing enhanced by the outfit.

Inside the luxurious confines of the carriage, Taehyung couldn't help but admire Jennie. The traditional outfit, unfamiliar on her usually martial figure, accentuated her elegance and strength in a new, mesmerizing way.

"You'll be talking with him today too. You'll get over it." Jennie replied, eyes trained on the scenery on the way to the temple.

"Will I though? You never told me what exactly you've discussed with him." He stated as she turned her eyes to meet his.

"I would, but he stated that he lives for the element of surprise. Can't do much about that." She stated.

"I remember you saying something quite similar to that once." He grinned as she tilted her head now, eyeing his sudden change in demeanor.

"You mean when I knocked you off your feet? Figuratively and literally?" She teased, a smug smile set on her own lips.

"You were holding back on me. It would've been ungentlemanly of me to not do the same." He reminded as she nodded, leaning back on her chair with a smile.

"That was until I wasn't." She reminded as he nodded.

"Until you weren't." He repeated, smiling back at her.

"I was very surprised you didn't fight with a round 2 request back even after I knocked you down. Realistically, as a war hero, your skills should be better than mine." She admitted, a question hiding under her statement as he shrugged.

"I probably would've let you knock me down a hundred times since I was too occupied staring at you. Besides, only my combat skills are that refined since that's all I trained. Your warriorship blends magic and is ultimately more expansive." He stated as she shrugged this time, mimicking him.

"I don't understand why you never take credit for your skills. You've acquired three entire kingdoms within the year, standing at the front of the battle. I don't just pledge my loyalty to anyone, you know." Her gaze softened slightly.

"As long as you acknowledge it, then it's more than enough. And in regards to the empire, the people don't need to hear of a leader. They need to see it." He responded, his eyes catching on a passing village at the summit of the hill their carriage currently travelled on.

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