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With Jennie and her squadron joining the fray, the Valorian forces found renewed strength

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With Jennie and her squadron joining the fray, the Valorian forces found renewed strength. Her magic cut through the enemy lines, aiding the sorcerers targeting the Drikar soldiers who wielded the gem's power.

The sorcerers opted to use a blend of sorcery and swordsmanship in their approach to warring the magically enhanced, attempting to clear ways for the remainder of the troops and recover the gem from the Drikar forces.

Taehyung and Jennie fought relentlessly, determined to recover Azeron's Gem from the Drikar forces. The gem's eerie glow pulsed with dark energy, driving the enemy soldiers into a frenzied battle.

Jennie had refocused her attention on keeping a handful of the magically enhanced soldiers engaged by fighting them with her own powers, allowing the other sorcerers and Taehyung to have reduced opposition by them as they advanced towards the leader of the enemy forces.

After what had felt like hours of fighting on the battlefield, Taehyung's sword met the Drikar leader's blade with a resounding clash. With a fierce push, he disarmed his opponent and drove his sword through the enemy's chest.

The gem slipped from the leader's grasp, its light dimming as it fell to the ground. With the Drikar leader defeated, Taehyung seized the gem, feeling its malevolent power surge through him before he suppressed it with his own will.

When the battle had ceased after the fall of the enemy leader and majority of the Drikar troops, Jennie glanced over at Taehyung, who now held the gem, a signal of their victory.

Towards the westward face of the battlefield, Captain Mark fought alongside his men, his sword a blur of motion.

The Drikar forces were quickly falling, their magical advantage lost by the loss of their leader and the gem. Mark felt a surge of relief wash over him as the battle seemed to be drawing to a close.

But the relief was short-lived. As he took a step forward, a Drikar soldier, who had been pretending to be dead, sprang up and drove a hidden dagger into Mark's side. It had all felt too unbelievable, cruel even, that this would have happened just when the battle had closed in favor of the Valorian side after hours of relentless fighting.

Mark's eyes widened in shock, and he collapsed to the ground as he attempted to pry the dagger out, while the soldiers who were nearest to him immediately dashed over, ditching their horses or weaponry to tend to their captain.

Jennie, who was nearby, noticed the sudden movement and saw Mark fall. Her heart leapt into her throat. "Mark!" she screamed, dismounting her horse and racing to his side. She cradled him in her arms, her face etched with worry and fear. "Stay with me, Mark. Please."

The soldiers around them were unaware of their familial bond, but the look in Jennie's eyes told them all they needed to know. Even she was desperate to save him.

As Jennie tended to Mark, her healing magic glowing faintly around her hands, he suddenly muttered, "May only the real god live."

Before Jennie could comprehend his words, he plunged a long dagger into her stomach. Jennie's eyes widened in shock as she looked down at the blade, then up at Mark's face, filled with confusion and betrayal.

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