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Jennie sighed softly as she was finally relieved from the duty of investigating the palace

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Jennie sighed softly as she was finally relieved from the duty of investigating the palace. Her night had been long and fraught with the responsibility of securing the palace after the unexpected breach.

Thankfully it seemed that no additional breaches were made to the palace and that all of the intruders were apprehended at the ballroom itself.

Tomorrow the interrogation would begin. Until then, the shifts of the knights were changed.

Over the course of the right the knights were able to change out of their heavy, and frankly unnecessary, formal uniform.

Instead, she now wore a simple linen shirt with her trousers, letting a semi-formal coat with her family and the knights emblem adorned.

She began walking up the central staircase to the chambers floor, walking closer to Taehyung's room as she noticed the knights still guarding his door.

"You may leave now. We'll have the palace guards resume their shifts. Report for the afternoon session instead." She dismissed them as they nodded, bowing one last time in respect before leaving the door.

Jennie stood outside the ornate doors for a moment, wondering if she should truly go inside to check on the Crown Prince.

After all, it was a royals chamber, and it was unheard of for anyone to enter without permission. It was a breach of protocol and propriety, one that could have serious repercussions for her if he chose to act on it.

However, one crash from inside melted away any hesitancies as she briskly entered the room, prepared to ward off any additional intruders with her sword in hand.

The chamber was still, too still, with no sign of an intruder.

It was then another sound caught her attention—a harsh clutter, as if something had fallen off the nightstand.

She stood still for a moment, knowing that intruding already was way past the protocol of a night. Yet she also contemplated that her job was to guard the Prince, and any sign of abnormality is enough justification for her to act.

Pulling back the covers, she found Taehyung breathing harshly, his face contorted in anguish.

Jennie froze, uncertainty rooting her to the spot. This was the first time in as long as she could remember that she didn't know what to do.

Yet, he continued to murmur in his sleep, his pain only seemingly growing.

Resignation settled over her, and she sighed, moving to sit on the floor near the bed.

Memories of a simpler time, when they were both children and the weight of the kingdom didn't rest on Taehyung's shoulders, came flooding back.

It was simpler times back then. Despite the fact that he was a kid forced to grow up fast, at least he had a moment of peace back then.

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