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The grand halls of the Asteria Dukedom Palace, bathed in the golden hues of the early morning sun, were alive with a bustle unlike any other day

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The grand halls of the Asteria Dukedom Palace, bathed in the golden hues of the early morning sun, were alive with a bustle unlike any other day.

Today marked the coronation of Jennie Ruby Jane, not only as the Duchess of Asteria but also as the first female commander of an army under the Valorian Empire, and the first sorceress to achieve such an esteemed position.

As Jennie stood before the grand mirror in her chamber, she adjusted the intricate crown adorned with the stones that symbolised Asteria.

Her eyes darted out the window where she could immediately see the hundreds of civilians; commoners cheering on the ceremony as the nobles entered the banquet hall.

In a perfect world, she would've been able to accommodate every soul that turned up to support her. But this wasn't a perfect world, and the Dukedom's palace wasn't nearly as grand as the imperial palace and could only sustain a hundred or so attendees.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a gentle knock on the door, followed by the entrance of her closest friends and allies: Jisoo, Jungkook, and Seokjin.

"Looking every bit the Duchess, Jennie," Jisoo commented with a proud smile, her eyes reflecting her happiness for her soulmate.

Jennie smiled, turning around from her vanity as she dismissed her wait staff and lady-in-waiting, allowing for some privacy for the trio.

"Do I really look alright?" She asked nervously as Jisoo approached closer, leaning against one of the arm chairs.

"You look beautiful Jane." Jisoo replied earnestly as Jennie turned back to her mirror.

She bore a breathtaking royal blue ballgown, its rich and crystal adorned fabric cascading to the floor in layers of luxurious satin and delicate lace.

The centerpiece of her ensemble is an elegant headdress, crafted from fine silver, crystals, and Valorian blue gemstones to match the gown's grandeur.

Jennie felt the only way to match the grandeur of the event was to wear a piece that reflected the grandeur of Asteria's history.

Jungkook, ever the tease, added, "And here I thought you'd show up in armor. You clean up nice, general." He emphasised, truly embracing the pesky younger sibling act the best he could.

"Ignore him, you look good Jennie. Perfect way to shut those nobles' rumours up." Jin smiled, stealing a piece of chocolate from the snack tray that had been set up previously.

"Has the Duke visited you already?" Jisoo asked as Jennie turned back, nodding.

"He was the first to come. Pretended not to shed a tear as well. Right now he's making sure all the guests are situated and not making life any harder than it needs to be, especially for today." She smiled, shrugging despite the warmth in her tone.

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