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The words struck like a physical blow

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The words struck like a physical blow. Taehyung's initial irritation flipped instantly to concern. "Prepare for battle," he ordered succinctly, turning back to Jennie, his expression grim. "I need to—"

"No," Jennie interjected firmly, her hand gripping his arm. "You're not going to fight."

Taehyung, taken aback, met her gaze. "I must defend the capital. It's my duty."

"Your duty," Jennie countered, her voice rising slightly in her intensity, "is to survive and to lead and protect the empire. Not throw yourself into an unpredictable battle. We don't even know the full extent of this threat yet!"

He tried to pull away, his face set in a stubborn resolve. "And you're going out there? How can you demand that I stay behind?"

"I am not the battling for the position of heir to the throne." Jennie's retort was biting, each word sharp with desperation. "You are the prince fighting for the throne. Your duty is to prioritize your safety. You cannot risk everything on a rash impulse! We don't know who the enemy is, or if the enemy are multiple forces. Their aim, extent of damage, and weaponry is all unknown. This is not a straightforward battlefield."

Their argument intensified, voices kept low to avoid drawing attention, yet each word laced with deep emotion.

"Every moment we argue, the threat intensifies." He protested, stepping closer to her as they halted to a stop.

"And every moment you consider rushing out without information, you risk the empire having no leader at all!" She argued back, eyes glaring into his own.

"I need to act. I cannot just watch as our city falls!" His voice cracked with the weight of his expected roles clashing within him.

"And you think I can?" Jennie's reply was fierce, her eyes blazing with her own conflict of duty and concern.

"Think, Taehyung! Think strategically, not just with the heart of a warrior. You are not the same as us, as me. You are far too important to be endangered, especially now." Jennie's retorted, finger jabbing at his chest to ingrain her argument in his head.

"I am the commander. It is my responsibility to lead the defense, and as such, it is also my duty to keep you safe. In the war front, the commander's order transcends everyone but the emperor. He has not ordered you to fight, and until he does, you will stay. That is an order, Prince Delrico, from your commander."

The knight, sensing the heightened tension, discreetly moved away, leaving them to their private confrontation.

Taehyung looked at her, anger simmering in his eyes as his voice lowered to a harsh whisper. "You would order your prince?"

"If I must," Jennie affirmed, her stance unwavering, though her heart ached with the harshness of her own words. "For the good of Valoria and it's future emperor, yes, I will."

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