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"All hail His Royal Highness, Taehyung Ares Delrico, the imperial crown prince of the Valorian Empire!"

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"All hail His Royal Highness, Taehyung Ares Delrico, the imperial crown prince of the Valorian Empire!"

Taehyung surveyed the thousands of gathered civilians at the palace gates, grappling for a glimpse of him. Fresh from a western war, he expanded the Valorian Empire's rule by conquering another kingdom.

"Praises for the blessed one, our war hero. You shall lead the empire to glory," echoed from all sides as he approached the palace gates, projecting strength with his head held high.

Azeron's blessing at his birth foretold Taehyung as the glory of the empire, a prophecy he fulfilled through battlefield might and courtroom wit long before ascending the throne.

No one could deny their Crown Prince's capability.

"The ladies seem particularly overjoyed." One of his commanders whispered from his side as Taehyung cast a brief look over the sea of people.

"He is returning alive and of marriageable age. All the nobles are vying for the seat of crown princess." His second commander added.

"Any one who caught your eye?" One of his generals, Crown Prince Cassian of Mazocar, otherwise personally known to him as Jungkook, questioned.

"Save your gossip for when we are in private. I don't need useless rumours going around that allow them to think I'm happy with every other person coming up to me at those socials." He shivered as Jungkook slyly chuckled.

"Even if they didn't, the congratulations banquet hosted by the emperor is enough reason for them all to approach you. Due your duties, crown prince, and secure a future empress." He teased as Taehyung cursed under his breath before finally turning to shoot him a look.

Content with agitating his friend, Jungkook finally stopped his relentless teasing until they finally reached the gates of the palace, being let through with a paramount of cheers accompanying them.

Taehyung gracefully dismounted his stallion, relinquishing control to a stable boy, and his retinue of generals and commanders followed suit, dispersing to attend to personal matters.

"Your Royal Highness," a voice called, and Taehyung turned to find Florian, one of the palace secretaries, at his side.

"Florian, yes," he greeted, acknowledging the secretary. He removed his gloves, handing them to a waiting staff member as Florian offered rehearsed congratulations for his safe return.

"Thank you, Florian," Taehyung remarked.

"His Majesty the Emperor awaits your presence in the throne room," Florian revealed, prompting Taehyung to nod and head in that direction.

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