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"Here." Jennie reached out a bottle of water as she perched herself on one of the wooden logs brought in. Due to the tricks of the Drykar forces, wood was a plenty.

The two were in a relatively secluded area, far enough to have their privacy yet not too far to be unavailable to intervene.

Taehyung smiled, turning sideways to take the bottle from her hands. "Thanks."

"When do you think we'll be done?" she asked as he looked around the base once more. Most of the tents had been pitched, and the supplies were steadily disappearing from the war-ravaged small town they had decided to utilize as their primary military camp.

"By sundown we should be finished. It's better than I expected, to be honest." He replied, taking another swig of the water he now realized was much needed.

"I just sent the scouts out. They should be surveying the nearby territories and once they report back, we can divide and deploy the troops. Until then the soldiers tent will be a little cramped. They might need to set up extra for tonight, and maybe tomorrow night as well."  Jennie explained, kicking her legs back and forth as he smiled at her actions.

"I feel rather guilty that they're staying in the tents while we are in the school building. It's the only habitable building here after the ambush, and they've, without instruction, upscaled the entire building as accommodation." He turned back, eyeing the now refurbished and likely unrecognizable building that would be used as the main base on the lower floor as well as his quarters on the second floor.

"It is rather unfortunate, especially since the school is so small an- wait, did you just say we?" She frowned, turning to him with shock written over his features.

Taehyung looked back at her, an eyebrow raised in question. "Yes, we. What, did you think you'd stay in the tents?"

Jennie shook her head, her brows furrowing. "I can't stay with you in the building. The soldiers need to see their leader is with them, enduring the same hardships. I'll set up a tent among them."

Taehyung sighed, understanding her point but not liking it. "Jennie, you're not just any soldier. You're a leader as well. Your safety is paramount."

"And what message does it send if I hide away in a building while they sleep in tents?" Jennie countered, her voice firm. "I need to be with them, to share their struggles. It's the only way to lead effectively."

Taehyung replied with a mischievous glint in his eye. "You don't need to sleep beside them for them to trust you. Besides, I'd rather stay in the tents than let you do so."

Jennie raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest. "And why is that, Your Highness? Are you afraid I might get too comfortable in the tents and not want to leave?"

Taehyung chuckled, stepping closer and crouching down to meet her height at her seated form. "No, not quite. I just think we could use some private time together. Away from prying eyes and ears."

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