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"These should be enough for the trip

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"These should be enough for the trip." Jennie affirmed as she eyed the new logs that were brought out from the supply tent.

The dawn was just breaking, casting a soft glow over the camp as the soldiers prepared for another day of rigorous training and fortifications.

Jennie was in the command tent, reviewing the final deployment plans for Captain Lee's squad with the said Captain, Lieutenant Leia, and Captain Mark.

"I agree. Any more and the horses would be unable to bear the weight as well, Your Excellency." Lieutenant Leia added as she ticked another item off of the list.

"How has the returning deployment from your squad been doing? Have they settled back well enough to integrate into the leading troops' duty?" Jennie asked Captain Lee, referring to the troops who would be taking over the leaving soldiers' duty. It was a cycle after all– returning soldiers take on departing soldiers' roles.

"Yes, they ha-" Captain Lee began to reply yet was cut off by a sudden interruption.

A soldier burst into the tent, his breath heavy from running. "Your Excellency, Captains, and Lieutenant, we have urgent news!"

Jennie looked up, her brow furrowing. "What is it?"

"The enemy forces have engaged our troops in the Palm County. The deployed troop from Captain Mark's squad has encountered heavy resistance, and they need immediate reinforcements."

"How serious is it?" Jennie asked as the soldier could only wince in response, reflecting just how unsure he was of the situation himself.

The room fell silent as the gravity of the situation sank in. Jennie quickly composed herself, turning to Lieutenant Leia and Captain Mark.

"We need to send support immediately," Jennie said, her voice steady. "Captain Mark, prepare a few of the soldiers from your squad to form an immediate deployment to assist the situation."

Captain Mark saluted, his expression resolute. "Understood, Your Excellency. I'll have them ready to move out right away."

Jennie nodded, her mind racing. "I'll accompany them."

Her sudden announcement shocked all four of the individuals within the tent, prompting them to oppose her idea immediately.

"Your Excellency, pardon me, but there is no information on what the situation is." Captain Lee intervened.

"All the more reason for me to be there. We need to ensure that this deployment is successful if it's Palm County, which is so close to the mines. Too close."

"Then I will go, Your Excellency." Captain Mark proposed as she shook her head.

"You must remember, Captain, that on the battlefield I am a commander before a Duchess. I will not change my mind about this." She stated firmly, meeting each of their wary looks with an equally defiant one.

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